
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

'Town and Country News' from Watauga County, N.C., Oct. 22, 1914

“Town and Country News” from the Watauga Democrat, Boone, N.C., October 22, 1914


See that your friend is registered.

The weather is rather cool, and smacks much of approaching winter.

For sale: Fine Berkshire pigs. See Noah Winkler, four miles west of Boone.

Attorneys E.S. Coffey, F.A. Linney and W.R. Lovill are attending Avery county court this week.

Finally, brethren, unless you register on or before next Saturday, you cannot vote in the coming election.

Fruit-gathering is practically over, and what to do with the vast yield is a question with many of our people.

Messrs Cook & Carlton, the new merchants of Boone, have a nice ad in this issue. Be sure and look it up.

Miss Jennie Coffey of Boone and Mr. and Mrs. D.F. Mast of Valle Crucis are off for the State Fair at Raleigh this week.

Mrs. R.C. Rivers is rather indisposed this week, and Mr. M.P. Critcher is attending to her duties in the post office.

The campaign in the county from all reports seems to be progressing nicely, no bitterness appearing on the hustings.

Miss Salina Wheeling, a middle-aged maiden lady, died of fever at her home in Elk township on Tuesday morning after an illness of several weeks.

Mr. L.W. McGuire sends in another “big apple” weighing 23 ounces, for which he has our thanks. If you can beat the L.D. Lowrance 28-ounce specimen, let us know at once.

Dr. Robert K. Bingham of Boone left for Statesville Monday morning taking with him Mr. P.G. Carroll, one of his patients, who will undergo an operation for appendicitis in Dr. Long’s Sanitorium.

“Little Jim” Rivers, en route to school last Monday morning, had a wreck with his wheel and as a result sustained some rather painful cuts and bruises, but fortunately no bones were broken. He is up and going, but will be forced to remain out of school for a few days.

Right on the crest of the Rich Mountain Mr. A.W. Miller planted this year one quart of seed corn on ¼ of an acre of land, and as a result of his labors he shucked and measured therefrom 28 ¼ bushels of corn. This is a wonderful yield for any land, much less that at such great altitude.

The paint brush is still getting in its work of beauty in East Boone. The pretty residence of Mr. John Lewis has been given its finishing touches and the residence of Dr. Bingham is now undergoing the great change that a good painter can make on a good building with a three-coat job.

Friend Job W. Blair of Vilas passed through town yesterday en route to Caldwell with “Big Ben,” the prize winning black stallion at a number of county fairs, and owned by Mr. Walter Hayes. Mr. Blair is negotiating a trade with a joint stock company in Caldwell for the sale of “Ben,” and if they get him they will own the best horse of his kind that Watauga can furnish.

It is indeed pleasing to see the improvement that is steadily going on in the Middle Fork section between Boone and Blowing Rock; new and pretty cottages are springing up in every direction, and right near their pretty, new Baptist church there is now as a pretty public school building as can be found in the county. It is a good section, and the property owners there are thoroughly convinced of the fact.

Our quondam friend Reubin Green of Blowing Rock, after an absence of nearly 15 years in the State of Washington, is at the home of his father, Mr. B.J. Greene in his native town, where he will remain a few weeks. He was in to see us Monday and we were glad to learn that he is making good in Washington. He is located at Farmington, where he has been living ever since he has been in the West. We hope his stay among former friends in Watauga may be most pleasant.

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