
Friday, November 20, 2015

Meriwether Hospital in Ashville Reviewed in Charlotte Medical Journal, 1917

Meriwether Hospital in Asheville reviewed in the Charlotte Medical Journal, 1917

It certainly gave me a great deal of pleasure to look over this magnificent plant about two weeks ago. I regard it as one of the most modern and up-to-date institutions of its kind in this section of the country. It is thoroughly equipped in every respect.

Its architecture is as modern as it can be, with the spacious rooms, as well arranged as any I have ever seen, and it has been my pleasure to visit the best in the world. They are equipped with everything that make operating rooms complete. The rooms are well lighted, well arranged, and almost all of them have private baths and many have private sitting rooms. The furnishings are ideal. We do not find here the old stereotyped high enameled bed-steads but the furnishings are those of a modern hotel.

The frontspiece of the beautiful booklet they printed a month or two ago, gives a splendid likeness of the late Dr. Frank Tyron Meriwether, who was born in 1865 and died in 1913. This booklet gives a complimentary and very attractive short history or sketch of Dr. Meriwether, whose career was certainly very successful. The booklet also contains some very fine views, not only of the hospital but of the grounds and environments. It would be interesting to anyone to look over it and admire it.

Its location could not be more attractive or beautiful. It also contains views of the different operating rooms, the examining rooms, bed rooms, etc., and quotes the prices or charges for services.

To anyone who is interested in training school for nurses, or anyone who is interested in hospital management, or interested in cases requiring operations, would be benefited by writing to this Institution for one of these beautiful and attractive booklets.

The officers of the Association or hospital are as follows:

C.P. Ambler, M.D., Dean; E.B. Glenn, M.D., Vice-Dean; W.J. Hunnicutt, M.D., Secretary; D.L. Meriwether, Business Manager; N.F. Pitts, Superintendent.

Medicine: C.P. Ambler, M.D.; M.L. Stevens, M.D.; A.F. Reeves, M.D.; C.E. Cotton, M.D.

Surgery: Eugene B. Glenn, M.D.; F. Webb Griffith, M.D.

Neurology: R.S. Carroll, M.D.

Dermatology: C.W. Brownson, M.D.

Gastroenterology: W.A. Calloway, M.D.

Pediatrics, L.W. Elias, M.D.

G.U. and Rectal Diseases: P.R. Terry, M.D.

Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat: E. Reid Russell, M.D.; J.B. Greene, M.D.; R.G. Buckner, M.D.

Anesthetics: W.J. Hunnicutt, M.D.

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