
Sunday, November 22, 2015

What North Carolinians Were Thankful For in 1913

“We Have Cause to Give Thanks,” from the High Point Review, November 20, 1913

If we remember what were the conditions, circumstances, events and incidents of the first Thanksgiving day, and allow thought to traverse even rapidly and superficially the path of blessing until this Thanksgiving day of 1913, we shall have a faint vision, at least, of that for which the land should offer praise. If we dwell only upon the great benefits that affect the general welfare, abundant reason appears why we should set a season apart, assemble in our places of worship, and lay upon the altar our united offering of praise. And this is not alone for abundant harvests, for commercial prosperity, for continued peace and increasing power; not alone for good bestowed, but thanks for evil spared, for fires of trouble from which we passed unharmed; for the floods that threatened but did not overwhelm; for the casting down that yet did not destroy; for all calamities endured and overpast.

Surely if every land should in humility bring tribute from multitudes of grateful hearts, ours should make this a true Thanksgiving day.

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