
Monday, February 29, 2016

President Truman Tries to Expand Social Security to Cover Farmers, Small Businessmen, Doctors, Lawyers, Domestic Workers, 1949

“Truman Outlines Security Program,” from the Feb. 22, 1949 issue of the Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C.

Washington, Feb. 22—(AP)—Here are the main provisions of President Truman’s Social Security plan:

1.       The old age and survivors insurance program would be expanded to include a wide range of workers not now covered, such as farmers, small businessmen, doctors, lawyers, and other self-employed persons, domestic service workers, and federal employees not covered under a federal retirement plan.

2.       Maximum insurance benefits, upon retirement, would be increased from the present $85 to $150.
3.       The retirement age for women would be reduced from 65 to 60; for men it would remain at 65.

4.       A retired person could receive $50 a month in earnings without loss of his benefits—instead of $15.
5.       All needy persons would get direct federal grants instead of just needy aged, the blind, and dependent children, as at present. Such payments—with the federal government and the state each chipping in a share—would go as high as $100 for a man and his wife and $20 for each additional person in the family.

6.       Standards of assistance would continue to be determined by the states. But federal aid would be extended on a basis of per capita income in the states. States with the lowest per capita income would get the largest shares of federal aid.

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