
Sunday, February 28, 2016

The News From Beaver Dam Community in Watauga County, 1919

“Beaver Dam Items” from the Feb. 6, 1919, issue of The Watauga Democrat

Messrs. J.K. Perry, H.H. Farthing and Dr. Perry have installed a new roller mill at the hold farthing mill on Lower Beaver Dam.

Mr. Emmit Hagaman who married Miss Verta Phillips of Beaver Dam has bought a farm near Knoxville, Tenn., and will move to it in the near future.

Rev. Blalock, who has been a missionary to China for many years, is now on a visit to Upper Beaver Dam with a view to holding a few days’ meeting.

Health conditions are reasonable good in this section. Only two cases of flu at present. One is Miss Cathy Shell, the other is Mr. Marshal Edmonston.

Mrs. Clyde Perry, who has been very sick for some time, is thought to be improved.

There has not been any meeting at Forest Grove for about three months on account of influenza and measles but it seems to be a thing of the past now.

Messrs. Walter and Geo. Green, sons of Mr. Lem Green, who moved to Iowa about 26 years ago, are visiting in this section for a few days.

“Aunt” Sarah Wilson, who has been afflicted with paralysis for some time, is but little improved.
Mr. Jurd Henson, who has been blind for some time, seems to be on the decline. He has been suffering very much with inflamed eyes.

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