
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Let’s Help Out Brother Walter Patterson at Hannah Pickett Mill, 1922

“Wants Patterson Pounded” Letter to the Editor by Dr. W.R. McIntosh, from the March 2, 1922 issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch
Please allow space for me to express my deep sympathy for Bro. Walter Patterson at Hannah Pickett Mill, who on Feb. 25th got his arm broken while cranking a car. I have personally known Walter from childhood and he is a man now, trying to do the will of his Master, and let us who have two good arms reach out a helping hand and help him along. He is now unable to manual labor. It may be three months or more before he can resume his work in the mill, and I, as a personal friend, feel impressed to write a few lines in his behalf, and hope all who read this will be interested. Let us remember the Word says “it is better to give than to receive.” Why not somebody give him a surprise pounding? All who give a pound will feel good over it; now who will lead the way. It will be like casting bread upon the waters; it will return after many days hence.

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