
Saturday, March 19, 2016

News Summary from High Point Review, March 14, 1918

“News of the South” from the High Point Review, March 14, 1918

For the first time in the present generation the aurora borealis was visible in the northern sky from Tampa Fla. One report had it that Dade City, 40 miles north of Tampa, was afire, but this was error. Reports from a number of other cities and towns throughout the United States describe the lights as of unusual brilliancy.

Burton Hurlburt, Royal Flying corps cadet, whose mother lives at Prescott, Ontario, was killed when he tried to make a landing at Fort Worth, Texas. He is the 36th cadet killed at Fort Worth.

Equal suffrage, nation-wide prohibition and radical legislation favoring farmers and laborers are the chief planks of the platform of the national party adopted at Chicago at a convention attended by about 200 delegates, bolters from the Progressives, Prohibitionists, Socialists and Independents.
While a large number of men will be called out during the present year to fill up the army and complete its organizations, it has been learned that war department plans do not call for the creation of any additional divisions in 1918. It is stated that less than one million men—probably not much in excess of 800,000—are to be summoned gradually during the year to complete the existing organizations.

Delay in the announcement as to the next draft is understood to be due to uncertainty as to what will be the method of allotting quotas to the various states.

Control of the house of representatives was regained by the Democrats when they elected their candidates from four districts in Greater New York at special elections called to choose successors to four members of that party who had resigned their seats in congress. It is significant in the national election in Greater New York that out of a total of 78,192 votes the women cast 31,858 votes. They voted early, seemed to have made up their minds what they were going to do before they received their ballots and they asked few “foolish questions.”

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