
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Man Convicted of Manslaughter Pays Fine and Is Freed, 1922

“Capt. Crawford Given Freedom” from the March 2, 1922 issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch
Salisbury, Feb. 23—Capt. R.E. Crawford, Southern railway conductor who last week submitted to a manslaughter verdict in Superior court, went free today upon payment of costs. Crawford was charged with the slaying of Engineer D.S. Hinton in the Y.M.C.A. lunch room at Spencer December 5, and was bring tried for second degree murder. Several speeches had been made to the jury when Judge J. Bis Ray stated that he would charge the jury to find a verdict of manslaughter. Then following a conference with his attorneys, Crawford submitted to a verdict of manslaughter. Today Judge Ray disposed of the case by allowing the defendant to go upon payment of costs, his honor saying in effect that he could not get the consent of his conscience to imprison Crawford for his action under the circumstances as related by the evidence. According to eyewitnesses, Crawford assaulted Hinton when he hear the latter making uncomplimentary remarks about Mrs. Crawford, and injuries inflicted by him caused Hinton’s death in several hours.

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