
Sunday, June 5, 2016

High Point Boy Scouts Enjoying Camp in Randolph County, 1916

"With Young America in the Wilds of Historic Randolph Section" by Paul A. Stamey, from the front page of the June 1, 1916, issue of The Review, High Point, N.C. The newspaper's slogan, printed in the banner, is "The Review is read and appreciated by that large body of people who buy four-fifths of the goods sold in High Point---the laboring people."

Scouts of High Point Having the Time of Their Lives on the Banks of Uwharrie

The seven patrols of the Boy Scouts of America from High Point are having the time of their lives in annual encampment near the well-known Hoover Hill gold mine in Randolph county. The tents are pitched on Carraway mountain in plain view of Shepherd mountain, in a thickly wooded location, with the peaceful Uwharrie river at the foot and smaller streams here and there gliding down the mountain sides; with cool springs studding the hill like diamonds from which to quench the thirst.

Verily, the Scouts are located in an isolated place and it would take a keen insight of the Aborigine to trail them in their lair if it were not for the country roads that lead you in sight of the place. As it is the modern paleface does some tall scouting to find the temporary quarters of the High Point aggravation and many there be from the Furniture city who have journeyed several leagues out of the way in trying to locate us.

Daniel Boone never blazed a better path than did the advance guard of the Scouts who felled many trees in order to make a possible road from the foot of old Carraway to its crest to establish a village of half a hundred souls overnight with nothing but white canvas for temporary homes.

As has been stated there are seven patrols here under the leadership of Scout Master W.M. Marr; three patrols of the first troup, Bob Whites, Whippoorwills, Crows. Those constituting the Bob Whites are: Howard Hicks, Arthur Kirkman, Carlton Kirkman, Neil Edwards, Bryce Bennett, Frank Weedon, Lanton Dalton and Moreland Lynch.

The Whippoorwills--Clifton Jones, Earl Smith, James Lyon, Gettie Strickland, Dewey Hoffman, Lyman Redding, Max Wall and Herbert Fields.

The Crows--George Wood, Williard thomas, Reid Marsh, Sam Moore, Dewey Foust, Alex Rankin and Shelton Woodson.

There are three patrols in the second troup: Eagles, Stags and Wolfs.

The Eagles are represented by Samuel Davis, Charles Welborn, Wilbur Jones, Earl McFarland, Dick Johnson, Clarence Smith, James McAnally, Van Sheets and Harold Gilliam.

The Stags--Dewey Dodamead, Paul Stamey, Royster Tucker, Robert Marshall, William Lee Smith, Chas. McAnally and Roiy Gilliam.

The Wolfs--Clarence Schultheis, Brooks Reitzel, Paul Gurley, Clyde Norman, John Bennett, Raymond Rike and Albert Owen.

There are only two patrols in the third troup and only one represented--the Owls--who are encamped with the Wolfs, viz: Rupert Pickens, Cary Meredith and Neil Williams.
The following is a sample of each day's program:

Morning--5:35 first call; 6 reveille; 6:05 assembly; 6:15 morning dip; 7 breakfast; 7:45 clean up tents; 8 assembly; 8:05 inspection of tents; 8:20 announcements; 8:25 to 12 noon letter writing, scout work, etc.

Afternoon--12:15 dinner; 1:15 assembly, scout work; 3:15 recall and swimming call; 5:15 recall; 6:15 supper; 7:15 first call; 7:30 assembly; 9:15 tatoo; 9:30 taps.

The patrol that has the best cleaned up tent gets to raise the flag each morning, following the inspection.

P.V. Kirkman, who has been assisting the past week, left Sunday.

Councilman S.L. Davis came down Saturday and returned Sunday. He enjoyed a dip or two with the boys.

Scout Master Combs of Bryson City spent the week with us, leaving Sunday. Chester Massey of the same town was also a visitor.

Other visitors Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Dutton, Mr. and Mrs. Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Farriss and James, who took a dip with the Scouts; Mr. and Mrs. P.H. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Smith and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Stamey and children; Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Norman, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Owen and family; Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Briles, Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Field, Messrs. Edwards, Carrick, June Barker and others.

The Scouts were glad to see their parents and friends and there be many who are expecting parcel post packages of good things to eat this week from home. That does not mean that we do not get good substantial food here, but you know it's the little extras from home that fill in the gaps of a gnawing stomach such as little America has.

Gee, but didn't that chicken and old fashioned dumplings taste good Sunday evening. Royster Tucker and Bill Smith said they ate so many that they couldn't well articulate. "You see," said they, "those dumplings were so greasy that they just slid down our throats so fast that our pouches were full to overflowing before we knew it! But" said they, "when digestion commenced a half hour later we knew full well that very little room had been left for gastric juices to flow."
But enough for this time.


"A Trip to the Rendezvous of the Boy Scouts," from the front page of the June 1, 1916, issue of The Review, High Point, N.C. 

Sunday afternoon the editor visited the Boy Scouts of High Point and America on Carraway mountain in Randolph county, and after taking several circuitous routes, several of which were wrong, finally found our destinatio and a happy lot of red blood young Americans. Some were taking their afternoon dip in the pond, others fishing, throwing horse shoes, "cleaning up," lounging around or suiting their several inclinations.

On the top of the mountains were some dozen tents, a splendid scout wagon donated by A.T. Wishart, benches and seats hewn from nature's local workshop, while 100 feet further down was the kitchen and commissary and the cook busily engaged in making chicken dumplings to go with the several cooked chickens for the evening meal. There were a large number of visitors and the boys were real glad to see the home folks. The weather was pretty warm, even on the mountain but at nights blankets are comfortable the boys say.

Scout Master Marr has the boys under good control and they are on their honor to be and act as real Boy Scouts. We took several pictures of the surrounds which are reproduced here. Owing to the dark like in the woods they are not as sharp as desired, but will give the reader an insight into things. The boys have a pet king snake which they are very fond of and many of them carry it around their necks, especially Carlton Kirkman, who is dubbed the snake charmer. In the picture Miss Lillian Smith is shown holding the snake--a very large one, too.

The kitchen is also shown with the head cook busy "drapping" dumplings into the pot. One picture shows Paul Stamey of the Stag Patrol, standing in front of their tent. The others are general views of the "tented city" on the Carraway. There is a high jumper and a scrappy boxer in the crowd and consequently there is enough talent displayed to break the monotony. Mail is received every day and the boys keep posted on things back at home.

Just as we were leaving there came down the pike an aggregate of hatless, shirtless, stockingless, shoeless Scouts with harps, drum, tin cans, bugle, etc., on parade around the mountain side as the last hour of activity ere the sun disappeared behind old father Shepherd and left a pleasing recollection as we journeyed back to the hot, dusty city.

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