
Saturday, June 4, 2016

Willing Workers Club Members Make Jam, Pack Beans and Carrots, and Ice Cakes at Mrs. Ross' Home, 1921

“Willing Workers Club,” from the June 30, 1921 issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch

On the afternoon of the 23rd of June the Willing Workers Club of the Mangum Community met at the home of Mrs. D.M. Ross.

On arrival a half hour or longer was spent in talking and laughing and there was a spirit of cheer on every face.

When Mrs. Covington called order then we knew we were to hear something good. She gave us some good points on saving time on floors, such as oiled floors and linoleum. She said there were so many more important things for the house wife to conserve her strength for, it was very necessary to have the floors made easy to be cleaned and not have to be scoured every week as some seem to persist in doing. Then she gave us good ideas on how to make old window shades look like new ones and also more on pretty rugs. One rug begun by one in the community was put on exhibition. After a good many useful and interesting points on this line were given, our hostess Mrs. Ross announced the stove was ready and water hot, so in spite of the hot afternoon, all moved into the kitchen where we made black berry jam, packed beans and carrots, and iced cakes. Such a time as we did have and our hostess was everywhere you wanted her to be in giving aid in the way of boilers, pans, clothes, dishes, egg-beaters, etc. etc.

All too soon the time for departure rolled around and Mrs. D.N. Currie asked to have the next meeting.

Four new members were added to our list and as guests the following added to the merriment of our club: Mrs. Isham Scarboro, Mt. Gilead, N.C., Mrs. Claudius Dockery, Mrs. Joe Andrews, Mrs. Tom Baldwin, Mrs. Nita Greene, Misses Jennie and Neil Matherson, Mrs. Cal Stutts, Miss Maggie Covington, Miss Elizabeth Maynor, and for the first time in its existence we had one gentleman. He proved himself so obliging and helpful we feel like saying, “John, come to our next meeting."

Our club is progressing and let everyone take more interest and lend all the aid he can in making it one of the best in the State. We have the material—all you need is the work to do. You may know this by our name.

All will long remember the kind hospitality of Mrs. Ross in opening her home to us and I am sure every member will join me in thanking her for the good time we had while there.
--One of the Members

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