
Monday, August 22, 2016

Local News From the High Point Review, Aug. 13, 1914

Local News from the Aug. 13, 1914 issue of The High Point Review.

Mrs. A.M. Hardy has returned to her home from the hospital here.

W.E. Hendon is on the sick list this week, but is improving.

From the list of deeds filed each week in Greensboro by High Point parties, it shows that High Point real estate is far more active than Greensboro dirt and also that High Point transacts a great amount of business in Greensboro each week, notwithstanding the inconveniences.

Ben Robinson of the Fair has returned from three weeks’ vacation—business trip at the North.

Miss Helen Muse yesterday entertained a number of her friends in honor of her guest, Miss Elizabeth Packard.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Matton and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ragan are visiting this week at the home of Mrs. Joseph Smith in Harnett county.

The offices of W.N. Coler and Co. have been removed to the Carolina and Yadkin River railroad station.

The white way is now a certainty. Work will commence at once and the main business thoroughfare will present a nifty appearance by the last of the year.

Mayor F.N. Tate and family and Miss Clara Stanton left yesterday for the western part of the state in his automobile, to be gone for two weeks.

The new building replacing the one burned at Oak Ridge is going up rapidly and will be ready for the fall term. The new improvements cost $30,000.

About 20 people from High Point went on the excursion to Atlantic City Monday.

Mrs. L.C. Sinclair is visiting relatives in Marion, N.C.

Misses Vera and Verta Idol are visiting at Asheville and Montreat.

Mrs. L.B. Williams is visiting friends in Charlotte.

Some of our good former readers can now pay their subscription bill with melons, vegetables and the like. Why not help the editor out once a year, anyway.

If the people were automobile crazy last year, what state of mind are they in now—absolutely mad we presume.

B.H. Bradner is off on his usual vacation and we trust he will have a glorious time.
There is some talk of another banking institution for High Point.

The Stamey Printing House will be glad to figure with you on any printing desired. Prices reasonable, consistent with good work and material. Call phone 275.

This is the real vacation month.

The People’s Motor Car Co. is now ready for business with a vim. No nicer garage anywhere.

Miss Iola Auman and Newcomb J. Gill were married Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride in South High Point. The ceremony was performed by Rev. L.A. Peeler of the First Reformed Church.

Frank Gurley of the High Point Show Case works has secured a patent on the Gurley sanitary ventilated street case to protect fruits, berries. etc.

Messrs. T.R. Padgett and J.F. Alexander of Forest City and E.A. Smith of Altavista, Va., are here on business with the manufacturers.

The rain Monday morning was a blessing to the farmers in and around High Point. Trust it was pretty general. It was badly needed.

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