
Sunday, August 21, 2016

Town of Wingate Purchases New Cemetery Near Meadow Branch Church, 1916

“New Cemetery for Wingate,” from the Monroe Journal, August 15, 1916, Monroe, N.C. For more information on Wingate Cemetery in Union County and to see a list of people buried there, see

The town authorities have recently purchased from Mr. C.C. Brown four acres of land including the old Harrell graveyard about a half mile east of Meadow Branch church. This plot of ground will be set apart for a new cemetery for the town and churches. Burying lots will be on sale at any time for the accommodation of all who wish to purchase family lots for burial purposes.

The town aldermen are to be commended for this wise and prudent step. For want of foresight and forethought is a sad mistake [resulted in] a sad mistake made when the present burial grounds were chosen. Lying as it does on one of the main streets and almost in the center of town besides other objectionable features, it detracts much, not only from the utility and attractiveness of our village but from the money value of the lot and adjoining territory.

If it were possible it would add much to the commercial value of not only the grounds in question but also to the territory in close proximity thereto to remove the bodies and the ashes of those who have been buried there to the new cemetery and deposit there. Whether or not this could be accomplished at all and whether the task would justify the outlay of labor, time and means, is a problem for the officials of the town to solve. In doing so the writer is presumptuous enough to suggest that they consult the present but of future generations. A little determination and co-operation on the part of our social element might accomplish much toward the desired end.

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