
Saturday, September 24, 2016

Farmers Form Vance County Tobacco Growers’ Association, 1905

From The Gold Leaf of Henderson, September 14, 1905

The farmers of Vance county held a meeting in the court house here Saturday for the purpose of organizing the Vance County Tobacco Growers’ Association. It was a large and enthusiastic gathering, representative of the intelligence, character and backbone of the agricultural interests of the county. The court house was full, very few seats being unoccupied.

Z.T. Garrett was elected chairman and A.C. Hoyle secretary. Addresses were made by S.C. Adams of Red Oak, Va., president of the Interstate Tobacco Growers’ Association of Virginia and North Carolina, J.H. Sharp of Intelligence, Rockingham county, who is doing effective work throughout the State in the cause of organization, and C. Gordon of Union Level, Va., The speeches were of a high order, full of vigor and earnestness and were enthusiastically received.

After the speaking an organization was affected with the following named officers:
President—George W. Wright
Vice-president—I.M. Green
Secretary—A.C. Hoyle
Treasurer—W.B. Daniel
Executive Committee—J.F. Coghill, Z.T. Garrett, H.T. Shanks

Z.T. Garrett was elected delegate to the Interstate meeting to be held at Danville, Va., next Friday week.

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