
Sunday, September 25, 2016

Personal News From Town and Country in the Watauga Democrat, Sept. 21, 1916

“Town and Country,” news from Boone and Wataga County, from the Watauga Democrat, Sept. 21, 1916
--Quite considerable frost yesterday morning.
--Some much-needed work is being done on our streets just now.
--Mr. W.T. Blair is spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs. Will McGuire at Brookside.
--Mr. Lewis of Ashe County spent Sunday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Dr. Salmons in Boone.
--Mr. Stanbury is in Greensboro this week attending a meeting of the Educational Board of the two conferneces of the M.E. Church South.
--Three of my town lots just sold—a number of beautiful ones yet to select from. Don’t forget that Boone is the coming town. See ad elsewhere.—A.D. Blair.
--Mr. Don Long, son of Mr. and Mrs. G.R. Long of Lockhart, Florida, is visiting at the home of his uncle, Mr. G.A. Hodges, near the village.
--Mrs. David R. Shearer, accompanied by Mrs. M.P. Critcher and children, left Sunday for Butler, Tenn., where they will visit Mrs. Shearer’s parents for a few days.
--Mr. T.B. Moore of the Watauga Printing Company has moved his outfit to his home at the Blair Hotel. Office in last room on the first floor going east. Call on him for neat job work.
--Rev. M.L. Carpenter, pastor of this charge, left Monday morning for Statesville, where he went to attend the Lutheran Conference, which convenes in that town today.
--We are asked to announce that there will be a box supper at Buckwheat school house on the evening of Oct. 6th. There will also be given a well-prepared play by the children of the school. Proceeds to be used for school purposes.
--Mrs. Wilfong of Newnon, mother of our former countryman, Mr. W.W. Willfong, now of Henderson, returned to her home last week after a rather extended visit to friends in the Vilas section.
--The Appalachian Training School is anxious to know the number and location of all the old-fashioned looms in Watauga county and it will be greatly appreciated if anyone who owns or knows of one will notify I.G. Greer at Boone at an early date.
--Mrs. Nellie Price of Raleigh, who is Domestic Science Inspector for the State, sent out by the Board of Internal Improvements, spent several days last week in town looking over that department of the Appalachian Training School.
--The anniversary of the Literary Societies of the Appalachian Training School will be held in the auditorium of the school on next Monday evening at 7:30. The program promises to be an interesting one and the public generally is invited to attend.
--The train on the railroad leading to Shulls Mills crossed the county line on Monday of last week, and for the first time ever the scream of the railroad locomotive was heard in Watauga from her own trackage. The construction work is being vigorously pressed, and the “iron horse” is expected to reach Foscoe within the next few days. Then on down to Shulls Mills in the very near future, when the company will begin at once the installing of its massive machinery for the manufacture into lumbr of its fine timber holdings on Boone Fork.
--The first session of the Sunday School Normal Institute will be held in Boone on Thursday evening, sept. 21, at 7 o’clock. There will then be services Friday and Saturday following, to meet from 9:30 a.m., and 3:30 and 7:30 p.m. All invited.
--Don’t forget the Masonic picnic to be held in Boone on Saturday of next week. It is also very important to bring a well-filled hamper to help out with the “spread.” The program is not yet out, but you are assured of a pleasant day if you attend.
--Hats off to the good county of Wilkes! $250,000 for road building has been voted by those public-spirited people, despite the fact that only 60 days ago the county was almost ruined by high water. When, oh, when, will Watauga bestir herself along this important line?
--As a result of the 10 days meeting conducted at Willowdale, 16 were received into that church by baptism yesterday, a number of them being heads of families. Rev. Mr. Adams, who held the revival, says in some respects, it was the most wonderful meeting he has ever been in.
--Dr. R.H. Hardin of Pineville came up last Thursday and remained until Monday, leaving in the morning for Shulls Mills, where he went on duty as physician for the Whiting Lumber Company, a position well worthwhile. Mrs. Hardin and their little son will arrive in the near future, and they will locate there. Glad to have the talented young physician among us again.
--Mrs. Alice M. Councill of Hickory, who is known and loved by all the older set in Wetauga, is spending a while at the home of her nephew, Mr. Jas. D. Councill. Last Thursday she, in company with her son, Judge Councill, and daughter, Mrs. Emma Taylor, and her son, David, and grandsons, Dr. W.C. Boyden of China Grove and Mrs. Donald Boyden, who is in the automobile business at Knoxville, Tenn., met at the old home in Boone and spent the day there, having the yards cleaned, the furniture in the building rearranged, etc. The day was a happy one for them, and it was indeed a pleasure to our people to see so many members of the splendid family in our midst at the same time.
--Mrs. Roby Green of Seattle, Wash., after spending a few days with her father-in-law, Mr. Richard Greene, left yesterday morning for her far western home. She spent some time on her way here among the haunts of her childhood home in Pennsylvania and will be there a few days on her return. She is a supporter of President Wilson, and says she must get through her visits en route in time to reach her destination by Nov. 6, that she may cast her vote for him. She is an interesting talker along political lines, and predicts a sweeping victory for Wilson in November. She leaves delighted with Watauga and her people, and they in turn were delighted to have her with them for even so short a time.

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