
Friday, October 28, 2016

Auman Retiring From Management of Hotel Vass, 1924

“A Creditable Record” from the Friday, October 24, 1924, issue of The Pilot, Vass, N.C.

In retiring from the management of the Hotel Vass, A. Auman closes an engagement that has been a creditable experience in a community that was new to him when he came here. He proved a good hotel man, a capable mixer with the strangers who came this way, and he goes out of his public contact with the visitors to Vass with the cordial good feeling of the folks in town and those here for brief periods.

The Pilot is not aware yet of what he expects to do in the future, but whether he stays here or goes away this community has a friend in A. Auman as he has in the collective population of the village.

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