
Friday, October 14, 2016

Cameron Woman's Club Curb Market Raising Money to Furnish New School, 1924

“Curb Market at Cameron Open Every Saturday Afternoon,” from the Friday, October 31, 1924, issue of The Pilot, Vass, N.C.

The curb market will be open again to the public next Saturday afternoon, November the first. A speciality of home-made candies and cakes. The curb market is run under the auspices of the Woman’s Club for the benefit of furnishing the new school building. The club now has 30 members. All members of the club, and patrons of the school, and all who are interested in the school, and even Cameron community are urged to donate to this curb market. Show your patriotism to the town, school, and community. Send your donations any time thru the week or early on Saturday morning to Mrs. J.D. McLean and Miss Minnie Muse. Donations are as follows: clothes, notions, eggs, butter, chickens, fruits and vegetables, fresh or canned, pickles, preserves, jellies, cakes, candies, salads, etc. Now all who read the above need have no further trouble as to what the donations asked for.

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