
Saturday, October 15, 2016

Green Tomato Pickle Recipe From Jane S. McKimmon, 1922

Sliced Green Tomato  Pickle recipe from Jane S. McKimmon, State Home Demonstration Agent, N.C. State College, Raleigh, from the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, October 5, 1922

Sliced green tomato pickles, chow chow, and Dixie relish do not require long brining before pickling as do cucumbers, and for that reason are much easier for the busy housewife unless she gets her cucumbers already brined. They also make an excellent relish with meats and are an adjunct to any table.

Green tomatoes are easily found at this time of the year and can be made into an appetizing product by the following recipe.

Sliced Green Tomato Pickle
1/2 gallon sliced green tomatoes
1 pint onions, sliced
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 small red pepper
3 teaspoons white mustard seed
2 tablespoons celery seed
1 pound brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon allspice
1/2 tablespoon cloves
1/2 cup salt
1 ½ pints good vinegar

All measure level

Sprinkle the sliced tomatoes and sliced onion with salt. Let them stand 4 hours in separate bowls, and then place each in a thin muslin bag and squeeze gently until the juice is removed.

When the ingredients are prepared, place them in a porcelain kettle, mixing with them the mustard and celery seed, sugar and pepper. Cover with good vinegar 1 ½ pints, to which the spices tied in a bag have been added.

Boil this mixture slowly until quite soft and tender. The pickle is not good if removed from the fire before the tomatoes are tender.

After cooking pour into jars and seal while hot.

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