
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Christmas Report from West Hickory, 1916

“Christmas In West Hickory Enjoyed,” by T.J. Leonard, from the Hickory Daily Record, Dec. 26, 1916

West Hickory, Dec. 26—The people of West Hickory, and especially the employes of Ivey Mill had a fine time during the Christmas season. The mill shut down Friday evening and is going to start up again Wednesday morning and while we lose two days yet, the mill company is going to pay full time, giving that to their hands for a Christmas present.

I can say in this connection that the superintendent and officers have the sincere thanks and the highest appreciation of all their hands for their kindness. And on Friday evening, December 20, through the help and influence of Capt. H.W. Warner, Rev. J.G. Garth held a Christmas exercise in the Y.M.C.A. hall. The exercise consisted in showing some fine pictures of the birth of Christ and other fine scenes in Palestine. Rev. Mr. Garth giving a thorough explanation of each picture which was very instructive and helpful. This exercise was free to everybody and Rev. Mr. Garth has the thanks of all present for his kindness in giving this nice service.

There were a number of Christmas presents given to the superintendents and overseers at the Ivey Mill. The overseers of the mill presented Capt. H.W. Warner a gold handle knife at the same time telling how much they appreciated and honored him as their leader. The weave room hands presented Capt. Warner with a set of gold collar and cuff buttons; also telling him how great they appreciated him for his kindness and favors during the year. Mr. J.M. Freeman, overseer of weaving, received a nice gold set of cuff buttons from his hands; Mr. B.D. Abernethy, overseer of spinning received a nice office chair from his hands for a Christmas Present. Mr. G.T. Barger received a gold ring from his hands.

And finally, Capt. Warner in his kind way and to show his good will towards his overseers on Saturday evening sent his car to the hall and took his overseers of the different departments of the mill, namely Messrs. J.M. Freeman, B.D. Abernethy, G.T. Barger, O.A. White, machinist; and T.L. Leonard, clothroom man, and after landing them safely at Moretz and Whiteners clothing store in Hickory he presented each one of them with a fine Stetson hat for a Christmas present, and after thanking the superintendent for his kindness we all went our way rejoicing.

Well, I could write several more pages describing all the nice things that happened in our town during the Christmas season. I have been as brief as I  possibly could and for want of space I didn’t give as full a description of the events as I would like to have done, but I know that it would not be just to take up all the space in your valuable paper describing the many happenings of West Hickory. So I certainly do want to leave plenty of space for your more worthy correspondents. If I escape the waste basket this time I will try again. I close by hoping that the editor of the Record and his force had a merry Christmas and wish them a happy new year.
            --T.J. Leonard

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