
Sunday, December 25, 2016

Navy Man Arrives Home on Christmas Eve, 1909

“Quit the Service,” from The Farmer and Mechanic newspaper published in Raleigh, N.C., Dec. 28, 1909

Mr. C.W. Manning of Wilson Honorably Discharged from United States Service

Wilson, Dec. 25—Christmas night Mr. Charles W. Manning arrived in Wilson with the smell of the sea clinging to his navy blue garments. Charles had his “sea legs” on him yet, but after he has become acclimated to the home of his birth, the swagger will soon vanish. He has served his country well and true for more than three years, and has been given an honorable discharge. He has served as an able-bodied seaman on the following craft: Olympia, Hancock, Franklin, Reina Mercedes, Cumberland, Constellation and the Rhode Island.

The education Mr. Manning received in his trip around the world is worth more to him than all the other years of his life—should he live to be a centenarian.

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