
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Martha Eliza Lankford Dies at Her Son's Home, 1901

From The Gold Leaf, Henderson, N.C., Dec. 5, 1901

Mrs. Martha Eliza Lankford died at the home of her son, Mr. L.H. Lankford, near Cokes, Nov. 27th. She was one of the oldest women in her neighborhood, being about 85 years of age. For 60 years she had been a member of Cokesbury church. Her entire life was spent in the community and she was beloved by everybody who knew her. Mrs. Lankford was the mother of eight children, three of whom are living. She was the widow of John D. Lankford who died about 23 years ago. The funeral was held Thursday, the burial being at home, Rev. W.P. Constable officiating. A large crowd attended from far and near throughout the neighborhood.

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