
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

News Briefs From Across North Carolina, Dec. 22, 1911

From The Review, High Point, N.C., December 22, 1911

From the Tar Heel State Column of State News Carefully Collected by the Editor for the People of the State

Monroe—Work of doctoring the acoustic conditions in the Monroe court house was begun.

Raleigh—Apex has just voted a bond issue of $10,000 for street improvement and for a market house.

Washington—The navy department exonerated Ensign R.S. Young of Concord of the charges proferred against him for deserting his post last summer.

Monroe—Hoyte Martin, Innes Huntley and Lee Ashcraft, Union county boys, have been awarded prizes by T.B. Parker, state director for the boys’ corn club, for raising 106.83, 80.52, and 79.03 bushels of corn respectively to the acre.

Wake Forest—The debate council has decided upon the affirmative as the Wake Forest side of the question submitted by Baylor University for the debate to be held between these two colleges on Easter Monday in Waco, Texas.

Durham—Notice of application to Governor Kitchin for the pardon of W.H. Tilley, who killed his wife in September of 1908, has been given and all persons who are opposed to the pardon are asked to make their objection.

Albemarle—News has just reached Albemarle of a very serious fire which occurred in western Stanly, when the home of Mr. Adam Hathcock, a well-to-do farmer of that section, was destroyed, with almost the entire contents.

Statesville—Traffic on the road west of here was blocked by a freight wreck five miles east of Statesville. Thirteen loaded cars of an eastbound train were derailed, 11 of these loaded with coal were almost completely demolished and the track was torn up for 50 yards or more.

Waxhaw—Mr. John Furgeson, an old man, was killed by a train going to Monroe. He was 76 yeas old. He lived about a mile from Catawba Junction. He was deaf and knew not of the approach of the passenger train. The finding of his body was a gruesome sight.

Raleigh—Lieut.-Gov. Newland is making special effort to induce Gov. Kitchin to grant a pardon to T.B. Whitson, who 30 years ago was charged with the murder of a man named Kitburg, was later convicted and is now serving under remarkable circumstances. Here with the lieutenant-governor are Samuel Whitson, and Mrs. Nelson, daughter of the convicted man.

Elizabeth City—Stumbling as he attempted to step across the carriage of the mill, Julius Perkins, a negro sawyer, was killed instantly at the Elizabeth City roller mills. The carriage was moving rapidly with a log, upon which Perkins fell and before he could recover himself he was carried under a big circular saw, which was revolving at a terrific rate, his head and shoulders being completely severed from his lower body.

Raleigh—It is planned to have another run over the Central Highway early in May with the purpose of seeing if work can not be completed to have the highway from Beaufort harbor to the Tennessee line dedicated for use on the first of July next. The distance is some 475 miles and Dr. Joseph Hyde, State Geologist, who is active in work for the highway, says he expects the people along the route will do earnest work to put it in shape.

Wadesboro—The recorder’s court was in session for two days, dealing mostly with a bunch of blind tiger cases, which were brought against negroes from Blewett Falls. There were two convictions, one man and one woman. The woman, Dorcas Murphy, who claims that her home is in Charlotte, was sentenced to three months in jail and taxed with the costs for keeping liquor for sale. Charles E. Mills, another negro, was convicted of selling but as there are four more cases against him, which are to be tried, prayer for judgment was continued in his case until the others are tried, in order that all may be disposed of at once.

Burlington—Ben Merritt, a negro boy, met a horrible death when he was riding a mule. He had got on the mule with a water bucket and the mule became frightened and threw the boy so that his foot caught in the gear and he was dashed to death.

Franklin—Miss Maude West, a daughter of former State Senator W.J. West, who was shot either by her father or sweetheart, Perry Morrison of West’s Mill, a little village 10 miles from Franklin. Morrison, who was also shot, is reported as doing well, and it is thought that he will recover.

Raleigh—A charter has been granted to the Goldsboro Seven Spring and Swansboro Railroad Company, to build and operate a line from Goldsboro to Swansboro, a distance of 70 miles. It is capitalized at $1,500,000.

Clinton—Sampson has issued $50,000 of road bonds and it is plain that their visit will greatly benefit the county. The visitors were entertained at the Montage Hotel at a banquet as which were the road commissioners and nearly a hundred citizens. The visitors said the meeting here was the best they have had so far.

Newsom—The Norfolk & Western better farming train arrived here and entertained a large crowd of farmers for 2 ½ hours, during which time many interesting talks were addressed to all that could find seats in the car. The exhibit cars were filled with seeds and grains of all kinds. The exhibit from the Norfolk & Western experiment farm and also T.W. Wood & Sons were exceptionally fine. Everybody went away feeling a determination to do better farming.

Fuquay Springs and Cary—There is an continued interest in mouth hygiene in the schools of Wake county. Dr. Louis Pegram of Raleigh examined the mouths of 76 pupils of the Fuquay Springs School and lectured to an appreciative audience. Those present manifested very much interest in what he had to say and were well pleased with his remarks. Dr. N.G. Carroll went to Cary High school for a similar purpose, and a number of other engagements have been made with other physicians.

Raleigh—The site for the monument to North Carolina women of the Confederacy to be erected at a cost of $12,000 by Hon. Ashely Horne, has been selected in Capital Square by the state board of buildings and grounds and is to be facing the main entrance to the state fireproof building now being erected, and will e on the plat half way between Fayetteville street entrance to Capital Square and the Morgan and Salisbury street corner.

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