
Sunday, January 22, 2017

Cabin Raised in a Single Day at 4-H Club Camp, 1950

From Extension-Farm News, published by the North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service at N.C. State University, January, 1950.

Another cabin was recently added to the 4-H Club camp in Western North Carolina when 62 interested persons, 37 men and 35 home demonstration club women, from Transylvania County drove from Brevard over to the camp site and completed the entire building in one day.

The three pictures above show how rapidly the cabin took shape. The top picture was snapped by J.A. Glazener at 11 a.m., the middle one at 12:45 p.m., and the bottom one at 3 p.m. Before the sun went down, the last nail was driven, the last stroke of the paint brush was made, and the cabin was complete.

All of the materials for the building were donated by interested people in Transylvania, and the labor was entirely donated, including the painting and wiring.

Although the men did the construction work, the home demonstration women did their share by preparing and serving the hungry workers a meal that was fit for a king. The menu included chicken, fried, baked and with dumplings, fried ham, sausage, beans, kraut, and pies and cakes.

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