
Saturday, January 21, 2017

Deaths From Measles Top Local News in Bladenboro, 1917

“Bladenboro News Batch” from the Jan. 6, 1917 issue of the Lumberton Robesonian.

Deaths from Measles and Several are Sick—School Begins Again—New Freewill Baptist Church—Personal

We sympathize with Mr. C.C. Carter in the death of his two boys about 11 and 13 years old, who died this week with measles and pneumonia.

Measles is raging in this vicinity and people are dying very fast.

Masters Groves, Branch and Burton are confined to their beds with measles.

Sorry to learn that Mrs. Sam Gore is sick with measles.

Mrs. J.F. Dellinger is visiting relatives at Bladenboro.

Dr. J.S. Norman spent Christmas with his father in Alabama, returning home the 29th.

Mr. A.B. Freeman went to Hamlet this week on business.

Mr. Tom Nance is all smiles; it’s a boy.

Mr. B.H. Todd accepted a position with the cotton mill at Bladenboro.

Rev. J.M. Fleming of Lumberton filled his regular appointment at Gallead Church. We think this church wise for choosing an able speaker as Mr. Fleming.

Messrs. M.T. Sanford, Curtis Hudson, Corbet Hester and W.H. Hargrove of Bladenboro made a flying trip to Boland Mercer’s Jr. Sunday p.m. They report a good time.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mercer of Wilmington are spending some time with friends and relatives here.

Mr. Jim Sikes has accepted a position with Mr. W.W. Hester as salesman in the department store.

Mr. L.R. Davis, principal of Ten Mile High School, is spending the holidays here with his parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Todd of Bellamy are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jetter Branch.
Glad to know Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis are improving.

Sorry to report that Mr. Lester Ward’s condition is unimproved.

Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Branch spent a part of the week with relatives at Whiteville.

Mr. B.R. Bowin left this morning to visit his daughter, who is sick at Whiteville.

Our school will open January 8th.

Glad to see Mr. John Britt out again after several days confinement with grippe.

Mr. Erwin Britt spent part of the holidays at Lumberton.

The new Freewill Baptist Church which has been started here is expected to be completed at an early date.

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