
Friday, January 13, 2017

Gaddysville Welcomes 1917

“Gaddysville Grist” from the Jan. 8, 1917 issue of the Lumberton Robesonian.

Well, it’s New Year. The old year brought us many blessings, lots that we didn’t consider. Now with the New Year let us all start and do better, as there is room for improvement in all of us. Let us do better thinking, better planning and not forget our Creator; and a better year is bound to be.

Farmers are busy with jobs such as pruning trees, taking out stumps and ditching, while some are plowing. You may feel assured that these doings add a new look to things and profit as well.

A little smoke pouring out from every little tenant house chimney tells us that farmers are better stocked with labor than ever. But now is the time to look for that lazy tenant who always puts things that are today’s job off for tomorrow. “Time and tide wait for no man.”

School opened here Monday for the spring session with a larger attendance than heretofore. The patrons seem pleased with the way Mr. Miller manages things.

Pine straw? Yes, pine straw. Did you ever see any? It is getting to be one of the scarcest articles that the farmer seems obligated to have. Of course there are some pine woods left, but some smart two-by-four will stick fire to it, just to see it burn.

We have never seen a finer prospect of collards in people’s gardens. These things make mighty good eating, especially after the heavy frosts. Oh, ain’t the licker good!

Rev. Mr. Powell of Asheboro preached a splendid sermon at Pleasant Grove Sunday p.m. using for his subject “Quench not the spirit.” Mr. Powell is a first-rate preacher of splendid power. We do not know whether he has accepted the call extended him from this field or not, but hope he has.

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