
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Lula Cassidy's Home Demonstration Club Had Chant, 1919

By Meta Newcomer, Extension Homemaker, in the January 1994 issue of Tar Heel Homemakers

In 1919, Home Demonstrator Lula Cassidy helped organize community development clubs in Transylvania County. They even had their own chant:

We are the clubs of state-wide fame
Home Demonstration is our name.
Tall girls, short girls, fat girls, thin
The Home Demonstration Club
Takes them all in.
You don’t need money
And you don’t need pearls.
Anybody, everybody,
Just so you’re girls.

“Prior to this time, the men had organized clubs such as the Corn Club, Pig Club, Potato Club, Poultry Club, Wheat Club and other agricultural clubs. Now it was time for the homemakers to learn new ways and to enjoy a new form of socializing. Today’s Extension Homemaker is an informed woman who is headed for a future with a confident knowledge that she is keeping pace, if not one step ahead,” said Meta Newcomer, EH Club member.

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