
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Henderson County Farmers Discuss Problems and Opportunities, 1918

“Farmers Enjoy Feast of Talks” by John Ewbank, Secretary, from the Jan. 24, 1918 issue of the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, N.C. Sojar beans are soybeans.

The farmers held quite an interesting meeting in the commissioners’ room in the court house last Saturday morning. There were a number of talks by local men. Among them being that of the farm demonstrator, Frank Fleming, who stressed the importance of farmers getting together at once for ordering what fertilizer and lime they want for the 1918 drops to assure its delivery in ample time. 

This matter was urged as very important on account of the car shortage. The matter of a more extensive cultivation of the sojar bean was taken up at length by those experienced in growing this crop. It was certainly the consensus of opinion that this is a very important vegetable and one to be grown extensively in Henderson county. The farm demonstration has data on this crop which is available to any farmer interested. Mr. Cathy, Dr. Morse, and other farmers discussed this matter. Mr. W.A. Smith, while professing to know nothing about soja bean culture, was very anxious to learn something about it in order that he might be of some assistance in getting a more extensive use of this very important plant. And to prove his good intentions in the matter instructed the farm agent to secure, if possible, two bushels or the best seed suitable for this section and he would see it was paid for. The seed to be given out in one peck lots to parties having, in the judgment of Mr. Fleming, the best means of growing them for seed purposes. Mr. Smith also pointed out that the board of Trade was endeavoring to get the farmers interested in a matter whereby more farmers would be members of this organization, and thus bring a closer relation between city and county.

Mr. James Gray, the district agent, gave a very interesting talk that the farmers ought to have a strong organization along the lines of the Board of Agriculture and was sure through such an organization much benefit could be derived in marking the products of the farm. He said that if the newspapers would give space, as he was informed that they would, untold benefit in the way of advertising and stimulating interest in farm work could be accomplished. He complimented the papers for their generosity in offering their assistance in this way.

Mr. Gray took up the matter of hog production and stated that it was the desire of the administration to have the farmers make special efforts to produce more hogs in Henderson county to help relieve the meat and fat shortage now facing the entire world. He pointed out that in the district west of the Blue Ridge and including Polk county the increase asked for during 1918 is 9,601 hogs and in Henderson the increase of 340 hogs is asked for. Rape and soja beans was urged as the best crops for pasturing hogs pending the permanent clover of similar permanent pasture. The farm demonstrator will be supplied with data along the line which will be available to all farmers. As to finishing the product, he pointed out the use of corn and cotton seed meal for hardening, the use of the latter not to exceed 25 days. He appealed to the farmers to get more brood sows and to keep them as the price of pork would be high for years. The farmers were urged to favor a good dog law to encourage sheep production. He said the government was considering action along this line, but that the county could make a good law suitable to itself if the government did not act. He suggested a law fashioned after a law in one of our eastern states, where all dogs were taxed so much, with a tax of from one to five times as much on the females. This tax to be held to pay all losses from sheep being killed by dogs and at the end of the year the remainder to go into the school fund. All money collected to be spent in the county.

The address of Mr. Grey was very clear and comprehensive and was an inspiring one and it is to be hoped that much good will come of it. The farmers will have another meeting—that of the Board of Agriculture—on the first Saturday in February, to discuss the purchasing of fertilizer and lime and such other matters as may be brought up for discussion.

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