
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Automobile Demonstrator James Freeman Dies When Car Overturns, 1916

“James H. Freeman of High Point Is Killed,” from the Hickory Daily Record, January 3, 1916

Raleigh, Jan. 3—James H. Freeman, automobile demonstrator, was killed yesterday in Oberlin, the negro settlement of Raleigh, by the machine he was driving.

Mr. Freeman, who had been in Charlotte as stenographer to the Southern Railway, today signed a contract with Alonzo Parrish of Boston, to demonstrate a car. He was driving through Oberlin and in giving road to another car ran into a ditch which turned the automobile over. He was pinned beneath and so badly hurt that he died 10 minutes later.

He was 24 years old and originally came from High Point. Ernest Young, attorney of Dunn, formerly employed him and said last night that young Freeman gave great promise. He was married two years ago.

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