
Friday, January 6, 2017

Man Asks Woman If He May Walk Her Home and Jealous Boyfriend Shoots Him, 1910

“A Shooting Affair,” from the Farmer and Mechanic newspaper, published in Raleigh, N.C., Jan. 4, 1910

 Young Man Gets In Trouble by Persisting in Going With Young Lady

Wadesboro, Dec. 31—Reports have reached here of a serious shooting affray three miles from Norwood, last Sunday night. A young man named Caudle was shot and seriously injured by William Blalock. Frim the reports it appears that the cause of the shooting was the fact that Blalock objected to Caudle paying attention to Miss Blalock. Sunday night Caudle asked Miss Blalock to allow him to take her home from church, and the two men had a fight, resulting in Caudle being shot twice and cut across the face and in the back.

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