
Sunday, February 26, 2017

J.H. Shuford Shares Information on Solomon Hoyle Family, 1917

From the Feb. 1, 1917 issue of the Hickory Daily Record

Solomon Hoyle was a son of John Hoyle and wife. John Hoyle married Margaret Costner. She was a daughter of pioneer Adam Costner. He first came to America and to the south from Germany.

Solomon Hoyle was born in 1783 in Lincoln Count and married Annie Summey, who was a daughter of Frederick Summey and wife.

The children of Solomon Hoyle and wife were:

Eliza, married Aaron Robinson; Emeline, married Henry Whitener; Elizabeth, married Lawson Hill; Philip, married Ellen Smith; Jacob, died single; Sarah Catharine, married Daniel Rhyne.

The children of Henry Whitener and Emeline Hoyle Whitener were:

Sue, married Eli Rhyne; Leroy, married Mattie Shuford; Peter Wilfong, married Kate Shuford.
Peter Wilfong Whitener lived in Catawba County, where he raised a family. Shuford Whitener, the present Mayor of Hickory, is a son of Peter W. Whitener and wife. Shuford Whitener, wife and children, always have old-time hospitality for the writer when he comes to Hickory. The writer wishes to inform them that he expects to be in Hickory some time in March. He knows they will be ready for him.

Mr. Leroy Whitener and wife are buried at Hickory. The writer boarded with them for some time when he was pastor of the Reformed Church at Grace in the summer of 1874 and was pastor of the church four years. As far as the writer remembers, he never paid them his board bill. As they are both dead and gone to a better world, this board bill will never come up again.
                --J.H. Shuford  

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