
Saturday, February 25, 2017

News From Blowing Rock, Watauga County, N.C., 1916

“Blowing Rock Breezes” from the Watauga Democrat in Boone, N.C., Thursday, Feb. 3, 1916. The “grip” in the following story, usually spelled grippe, is another name for the flu.

Rev. John Ingle having a previous engagement and the resident parson not yet out of his room from grip, there was no preaching in this town last Sunday, but the two schools held their morning and afternoon sessions, thus honoring the day. All honor due any effort in behalf of the Sunday school, and this correspondent desires to commend to the readers of the Breezes the ably written article on Sunday school work to be found in the Democrat for Jan. 20 last from the pen of Miss Mary Swift, Amantha, N.C.

Many of our people are suffering from that nation-wide malady, grip, but so far no deaths resulting therefrom, we are thankful to report.

The death of Captain Pitts, noted in last week’s paper, has saddened the entire community on John’s River, where for many years friend Pitts had made his home and where his neighbors loved and honored him. The funeral was conducted by Rev. John Ingle, an old friend and neighbor. Interment was in the cemetery attached to the Reformed Church near Green Park, this ground used by the entire community as a public place of burial, and, as this township has no public burying ground, it would not be taken amiss by the tax payers if an appropriation were made by the town authorities toward a fund having for its object the purchase of land adjoining the present ground, the whole fenced in as one, laid off in lots and kept sacred as “God’s Half Acre,” and a new chapel built where the present one now stands, which though kindly loaned by our Reformed bretheren, is often inadequate for the large congregations that at times gather there to pay a last sad tribute to the memory of a dear departed friend.

Mrs. J. Gordon Ballew of Lenoir passed through here last week, she and her brother Julius Blair of Greenville, Tenn., hastening to the bedside of their beloved father, our much esteemed friend, George H Blair, Esq., whose death has been chronicled in the state papers, his loss as a citizen, friend and neighbor very great, his place in the community hard to fill.

Mrs. George E. Coffee died on Sunday morning, her body laid to rest in the cemetery of the Reformed Church, the sermon preached Monday by her pastor, Rev. Eber Gragg, a prominent divine of the Advent Denomination, Mr. Coffey, the bereaved husband, Mrs. Kerby, the sorrowing mother, and the little orphaned children have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community, many of whom have been most thoughtful and attentive during the long and serious illness of Mrs. Coffee, whose faith in God was strong, her hope anchored on the Rock of Ages, the Savor of Mankind.

In a recent number of the Democrat mere mention was made of the awarding of a medal to hour townsman, Mr. I.O. Rich, more mention due that honorable and honored veteran of the war between the States, not the Rebellion, as many historians across the Mason and Dixon’s line very thoughtfully term it, but a civil war resulting from “righteous indignation” let loose, to use a Scriptural term, the title war of ’61-’65 covering the field of action, offending no one and coming nearest the truth! Sergeant Rich, Company E, 42d Regiment N.C. Troops, Confederate Veterans, on December 23, 1915 received a handsome medal, more appropriately termed a badge of honor, which, through the indefigable efforts of Col. Fred Olds, himself a veteran of the Spanish American War, Sergeant Rich is wearing as his by “right of way” fought through the four years of that memorable struggle, presented by the Lenoir Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy, Mrs. H.C. Martin, regent, the badge a handsome maltese cross suspended from a bar, the whole bronze medal with the following inscription: “Untied Daughters Confederacy to U.C.V.” Reverse: Southern Cross of Honor—Deo Vindice—1861-1865. Sergeant Rich is held in honor and esteem hereabout and though well up in years, looks hale and hearty and with his faithful wife dwells in a homey little cottage on Linville Avenue, amid his rose vines, raspberries, chickens and grapes.

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