
Monday, March 13, 2017

Hollar, Hedrick, Berry Acquitted of Drinking Charges, 1907

“Young Men Acquitted of Drinking Charge,” from the Hickory Daily Record, March 10, 1907
Recorder Campbell Friday afternoon acquitted Lon Hollar, Earl Hedrick and Ben Berry of the charge of drinking liquor in the union passenger depot and it was unknown today whether Hollar and Hedrick would be tried for exceeding the speed limit in Hickory. Since Newton, Conover and Highland probably will have charges against the men, Hickory authorities may take the position that the young men will have enough trouble when the other towns get through with them.
All three young men admitted that they went into the depot at two different times for the purpose of taking a drink, but contended that they were not permitted to do it. Chief Lentz saw them with a bottle and Ticket Agent Miller told the court he saw a bottle lowered by one of the men. The actual act of drinking was not observed by either witness, and Judge Campbell decided in favor of the defendants.
Hollar and Hedrick said they made a flying trip to Newton more as a joke than anything else. They did not really know that the “two Genes” were after them, but they had an “idea” they were trailing them. The boys had expected to go to Salisbury, they said.
Their case in Newton for speeding will come up before County Judge Jesse Sigmon Tuesday.
Dr. K.A. Price will face trial this afternoon on the charge of abandonment. About 20 witnesses have been summoned and the case will continue an hour or more, it was thought.

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