
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Local News From Watauga Democrat, March 3, 1904

From the Watauga Democrat, March 3, 1904, Robert C. Rivers, editor and proprietor.
--It’s a tiny baby girl says J. Winkler.
--J.W. Miller and W.R. Greene are attending Lenoir Court this week.
--M.B. Blackburn left for Wilkesboro Tuesday morning on a business trip.
--Mrs. Maggie Boyden has been very unwell again for the past few days.
--Herman Wallace of Wallace Bros. Co. of Statesville was in town Monday. He reports a good trade.
--After several days of confinement to his room, Mr. W.C. Coffey is again able to be on the streets.
--John F. Harden, who has been in the south for some weeks selling horses and mules, has returned and reports a profitable trip.
--Rev. Sam P. Jones will deliver a lecture in Jefferson on Saturday the 12th, the proceeds to go to the Methodist church of that place.
--J.W. Curtice and Isaac Greer have been chosen by the Watauga Literary Society as the speakers in the debate to come off at Lenoir early in April.
--Messrs. Dudley and Luther Farthing have purchased the Lee Church farm on Beech Mountain and we are told that Mr. Church will make his future home in Canada.
--On last Friday Amos Presnell stabbed Mike Ward in the breast and the assailant at once fled to Tennessee. Both of the parties lived on Beach Mountain, this county. We are told that Ward’s wound is not dangerous by any means.

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