
Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Local News, Hillsborough, N.C., 1908

From the Orange County Observer, Hillsborough, N.C., Thursday, March 26, 1908. Joseph A. Harris, publisher and owner.
--Mr. B.F. Riley of Cheek’s Township called at our office Tuesday morning. He looked like he wanted to tell us a little news, but he hardly knew how to start about it. He did manage finally to say it was a fine boy baby and weighed 10 pounds and that last Friday was a lucky day at his house.
--Mrs. William Snow and daughter, Miss Grace, of Hillsboro, are visiting Mr. Snow’s brother at Birmingham, Alabama.
--The many friends of Mr. James Whitted are glad to see him well enough to be on the streets again after having been sick for several months.
--Mrs. Blanche and Snowdie Cole, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Cole of Hillsboro, spent last week at Mebane with Mr. John T. Shaw’s family.
--Mr. D.W. Robertson of Savannah, Ga., spent Sunday at Hillsboro with his brother, Mr. Charles H. Robertson, superintendent of Eno Cotton Mills.
--The Misses Forrest will have their Millinery Opening on Friday and Saturday, April 3rd and 4th.
--Rev. William Black, the noted evangelist of the Presbyterian Synod, is holding a series of meetings in the Presbyterian Church at Hillsboro this week. He is assisted in the meetings by Rev. John C. Hocutt, pastor of the Baptist Church, Rev. M.M. McFarland, Pastor of the Methodist Church, and Rev. H.S. Bradshaw, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Burr, the gifted Canadian singer, conducts the song service which is very fine. Mr. Black is an able preacher and conducts the meetings with much zeal. There will be two services daily during the week. Every morning at 11 o’clock and at night at 7 ½ o’clock. Everybody made welcome at these meetings.
--Ye Olde Tyme Fiddlers’ Convention, the greatest musical treat ever in Hillsboro, at Masonic Hall Wednesday and Thursday nights, April 1st and 2nd, for the benefit of Eagle Lodge of Masons. No traveling troupe, but 50 citizens of Orange, Durham and surrounding counties in a grand musical extravaganza. No one but musicians of the old school are allowed to enter the contest and all music will be such as Arkansaw Traveler, Mississippi Sawyer, Flop Eared Mule, Leather Breeches, Richmond Cotillion, Green Mountain Polka, Old Waltzes, Schotsches, Reels, Jigs, etc. Prizes will be awarded Thursday night. Prices of admission 25, 35 and 50 cents. Tickets on sale at Speck Faucette’s.
--Last Friday, according to the Almanac, was the last day of winter. Wednesday and Thursday nights the thermometer registered up in the 70’s and heavy bed covering was burdensome. After a drizzling rain nearly all day with a little hail and sleet now and then, about 3 o’clock Friday afternoon snow commenced falling, and by night the ground was covered with about as much snow as we had had at any time during the winter. Saturday was clear and cold and the thermometer was down to 28, four degrees below freezing, and the whole face of the earth was covered with snow and ice and the fruits and early vegetables looked mighty sick. The frogs had stopped their music, and the few flowers that had looked so pretty, bowed their heads, while the Ground Hog was snugly hid away in the warmest corner of the little hole in which he hurried when he retreated on the morning of February 2, shook his fat little sides and chuckled: “I told you so!”
--Mrs. James L. Elam of Richmond, Va., is visiting her sister, Mrs. J.S. Spurgeon at Hillsboro.
--Miss Pattie Spurgeon, a student of the Cedar Grove Academy, spent Sunday at Hillsboro with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J.S. Spurgeon.
--Mr. J.P. Hassell of Hillsboro spent Sunday at Raleigh with his mother who recently underwent a successful operation at Rex Hospital in that city. Mrs. Hassell’s many friends will be glad to learn she is doing nicely.
--We had a pleasant call at our office last Thursday from Captain Thomas J. Rosemond of the Southern Railway, Spencer, N.C. He was here with Mrs. Rosemond and their children, Vera May and Hazel, on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James T. Rosemont.

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