
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

News From Editorial Page of Watauga Democrat, March 3, 1904

From the Watauga Democrat, March 3, 1904, Robert C. Rivers, editor and proprietor.
A distinguished Senator is quoted in the New York World as making this estimate of Roosevelt: “President Roosevelt is a man with keen moral perceptions but no with no moral convictions.”
It is said that the Thomasville people will make an effort to get the Greensboro Female College located there. A delegation will to there to see if there is any possible chance.
Four more Russian torpedo boats have been captured by the Japanese, or at least, that is the latest report. The success of the Japs is wonderful if the news be true that is given out.
A Charlotte paper says that the first land grant in the State was issued to John McKnitt Alexander. The land was located in Burke County “or somewhere up there, I think.” Wasn’t John McKnitt Alexander one of the signers of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence?
A disastrous fire in Rochester, N.Y., on the 26th threw 3,000 people out of employment. The fire raged for six hours. Five acres were burned over, causing a loss of $5,000,000. Six of the city’s costliest and handsomest commercial structures are laid in ruins. Fortunately there were no fatalities.
Walter Murphy of Salisbury, a politician and twice a member of the North Carolina Legislature, has announced that he will be a candidate for the nomination for Congress in this district. It seems to us that Rowan ought now to be more than willing for the nomination to go to some other county.
The most costly private monument in North Carolina will soon be in Elmwood Cemetery, Charlotte, to the memory of the late Henry G. Springs, who died two years ago leaving an enormous estate. The monument will cost $8,500 and will be built in Philadelphia.
The Morning Post says that flour has advanced $1 per barrel in the past few days, due to the heavily increased demand on account of the Eastern war and the short supply of wheat. There is no trust business here. We can’t cuss the farmer, the miller or the trust when the crop is short.
An exchange says that an effort is being made to secure immigration to North Carolina. A meeting is to be held at Greensboro on the 16th to formulate plans along this line. We think that it would depend entirely upon the class who would be willing to come, whether or not this move would be a good one. Deliver us from a mixed population with representatives of every nation under the sun.
The Clayborne Progress gets off the following in reference to newspaper borrowers: We warn newspaper borrowers not to borrow the Progress from a neighbor who pays for it. We have a new fangled arrangement by which we transmit a malignant type of seven years itch to the pestilent borrower, that will not effect the regular paying subscribers. Your neighbor is tired of lending you his paper anyhow. Just subscribe for it on your own hook.

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