
Sunday, April 23, 2017

Editorial Opinions from Hickory Daily Record on World War I, 1917

From the editorial page of the Hickory Daily Record, April 7, 1917, S.H. Farabee, editor, J.C. Miller, manager; and H.M. Miller, advertising manager.

We don’t believe for a minute that German agents have succeeded in causing unrest among the negroes of the south. The colored people are not suicidal by nature and they have as much love for their homes as many other people. That German agents have tried to cause all the trouble possible, we are ready to believe. Indeed there are people in the United States far removed from connection with Germany who would attempt anything if they were sure of putting it across. American home guards may be needed, but not for protection against colored people.
The munition makers now will be harnessed and their profits will go to the government. The plea that the United States was entering the war to benefit them was about the most ridiculous suggestion ever offered. Munitions makers are allowed to make all they can out of foreigners, but the United States will not be held up.
The New York American, which usually is anti-British and pro-German, is whole-heartedly American now, it is said. That paper is raising recruits for the navy and Mr. Hearst will give anything he has to the government. His conduct may have been infamous, but he has come up to scratch.
As far as we are concerned, the so-called espionage bill suits us to the letter, and the only criticism we have heard of it is from a few partisan newspapers which had rather feature an “issue” than give the administration justice. If we act as traitors, we should be slapped in jail and allowed to rot. That is the way the Record feels.
Everybody in Hickory would be pained at any incident that would reflect on the community during this crisis. The war is on and it is the duty of everybody to be loyal. If our hearts are not right, we should at least guard our tongues. No many should say anything to give offense.

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