
Saturday, April 22, 2017

Local News From Southport State Port Pilot, 1935

From the Southport State Port Pilot, April 24, 1935

Local News

Mrs. Warren Hood has been engaged as Society Editor of the State Port Pilot and the society page in this paper is under her direction. The Pilot is very fortunate to have secured the services of Mrs. Hood and we urge you to co-operate with her in making the society page one of the most attractive features of this newspaper each week. She will be glad to receive reports of parties, club meetings, visitors, etc.

City Nominating Conventions will be held here next week. As the time draws near there is a steady increase of local interest. It is pretty definitely assured that four men will seek the nomination for office of mayor. They are: Mayor Price Furpless, incumbent; C.L.  Stevens, a former mayor of the town; R.L. Thompson, now alderman from the first ward; and Captain John Erickson. No definite list of candidates for city aldermen has been announced.

Miss Victoria Phelps of Supply underwent an operation Monday at the Brunswick County Hospital for the removal of her appendix.

Miss Dorothy Bell, daughter of Mrs. Charles Bell of Southport, was recently elected managing editor of the High Point College weekly newspaper, The Hi-Po. Miss Bell is a member of the sophomore class.

D.H. Caison, prominent farmer of the Supply community, suffered a stroke last Monday while plowing in a field near his home. He was in a critical condition all last week but friends will be glad to learn that there has been a noticeable improvement during the last few days.

Frank Niernsee, Southpoint boy, is a member of the varsity tennis team at High Point College. In a recent match against the Guilford College racqueters, Niernsee and his doubles partner scored the only victory for his team. Frank is the son of Mrs. Frank Niernsee of Southport and is a freshman at High Point College.

The North Carolina Hospital Association will meet at the Southport Hospital on Tuesday, May 16. Dr. W.S. Rankin, in charge of hospitals and the orphanages in two Carolinas for the Duke endowment, and other important hospital officials will attend the meeting.

The American Legion Auxiliary has granted a charter to the Southport chapter, Brunswick County Post No. 194, and Mrs. C.J. Shumway, State President of the American Legion Auxiliary, will attend the unit Thursday evening, May 2, and speak in the Junior Order hall. Other prominent Auxiliary officials including Miss Arelia Adams, state secretary, are expected to be here with Mrs. Shumway.

A heavy frost last Tuesday night did considerable damage to early truck crops in Brunswick County. Beans, watermelons, cucumbers, tomatoes, Irish potatoes and other produce suffered from the cold. There was one report that water froze in boats at Southport and several farmers of the county reported that they found ice on water that stood overnight on their premises.

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