
Friday, April 21, 2017

J.T. Mitchell's Hiram Lodge News for The Trestleboard, 1929

From The Trestleboard, newspaper of the Masonic Lodges of Raleigh, April 15, 1929; J.T. Mitchell, 217 North Bloodworth Street, reporting for Hiram Lodge No. 40.

The W.M. reported a visit to a district meeting in Durham at which there were about 300 present, including the Grand Master and other notables. Several important and interesting talks were made and refreshments served. “A real Masonic gathering.” Lets have such a meeting here sometime this year. What say?

We were pleased to have with us at our meeting of the 18th Bro. Thos. W. Ruffin, recently elected to membership in our Lodge. Brother Ruffin made a very inspiring address to the Brethren. We hope he will make this a habit.

The charity collection of this meeting was donated to Oxford Orphanage for the purpose of buying toys for the children in the baby cottage.

Our meeting of April 1st was a huge success. “Magician” Bro. Chas. S. Perry had ‘em all fooled. Charles, several of the Brethren are asking what became of Scott when he disappeared from the Triangle. Fellows you had better watch him, he’s tricky. We extend to Brother Perry our sincere thanks for the entertainment; also to those who assisted him.

We also thank the refreshment committee for the way and manner in which the refreshments were served and the menu selected. Remember Brethren the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. We appreciate your attendance Brethren. Come again.

Our Secretary Brother Goetze reported a trip to Oxford Orphanage March 22nd by Bro. Murray Wallace and himself where they exhibited several rolls of pictures for the children, these pictures loaned us by Bro. J.R. Summers of the Navy Recruiting Station here and were very much enjoyed by the children as well as the grown-ups. We extend to Brother Summers our sincere thanks for his kindness.


Bro. J.J. Gerard, ill in Rex Hospital, is getting along nicely after an operation for appendicitis. We hope t see him out soon. He will appreciate a visit from you.

Winder what became of Bro. Victor Stonebanks? Let us hear from you, Vic. Note the schedule of meetings in this paper and pay us a visit. Be glad to have you.

Bros. W.R. Trull and J.E. Johnson motored to Winston-Salem for the Moravian Easter services.

We note that Bro. Tommie C. Moore has joined the benevolent order of benedicts. May his voyage on the matrimonial sea be a pleasant one and all of his troubles ‘little ones.”

Two newsboys were watching Bro. Jim Brown at work in his barber shop. One of the boys spied a barber singeing a customer’s hair with a taper, he nudged his pal and said, “Say Mickie, look; that guy is looking for ‘em with a light.”

We are glad to report that Bro. A.W. Card is out again and able to be back on the job.
We regret to report the death of Bro. J.B. Goodwin’s mother. We extend to Brother Goodwin our heartfelt sympathy in his hour of sorrow.

Our Junior Warden Brother Mitchell and Bro. Wester, Master of Wm. G. Hill, motored to Norlina on March 19th, where Brother Mitchell conferred the third degree for Norlina Lodge No. 630, the Lodge in which he was caused to travel the dark and difficult road about 10 years ago. They report a very pleasant trip.

District Deputy Bro. Harrison Kauffman and Brother Mitchell visited Fuquay Springs Lodge on March 26th and witnessed the conferring of the third degree. Yu have heard of people passing the “buck.” I am sure Brother Kauffman has for when the Master called on him to deliver the Lecture he said, “Let John do it.” And John did it.

Remember Brethren this is your paper, let us have some news.

We are now signing off and this is Station H.L.No.40.

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