
Thursday, April 20, 2017

Proud Of Spray, N.C., Mill Workers Serving in War, 1945

The Mill Whistle, April 9, 1945. Issued every two weeks by and for the employees of Marshall Field & Company, Manufacturing Division, Spray, N.C.

William Allen and Mandluff Wilson are with the Atlantic fleet, we believe, although we do not have the latest addresses of either man. Anyway, luck to you, sailors.

Howard Jones, S 2/c, recently spent a week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.R. Jones of Fielddale. He’s stationed at Camp Peary. Three of his brothers are in service: Edward, Thurman and Marion. Edward and Thurman ae overseas and Marion, after three years overseas, is now in a hospital in this country.

Darryl Wilson is mighty proud of his father Glenn Wilson, who is now serving with the Navy in the Philippines and has been in the service one year. He was formerly employed in the sheeting Mill. We know Glenn is mighty proud of his young son, too.

Donnie Mason is one year old and is the son of Pfc. and Mrs. James A. Mason of Leaksville, Route 1. Pft. Mason is with the amphibious engineers somewhere in the Philippines.

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