
Friday, April 28, 2017

Local and Personal News from Hickory, N.C., April 25, 1917

From the Hickory Daily Record, April 25, 1917

Local and Personal

The local recruiting office has not been having much action this week, but it passed 18 loyals on to training camps last week.

Rev. S.B. Stroup and Mr. M.H. Yount, directors of the Thompson orphanage, attended a meeting of the board in Charlotte Tuesday. They motored through the country.

Mr. W.S. Pollard brought the first strawberries of the season to the local market today. He had barely a pint, but they were fine, juicy berries. In a few weeks the market will afford plenty of Catawba berries, which, by the way are the finest in the world.

Alvin Miller, who sold what he called a “julep” at Lookout, was convicted in county court at Newton Tuesday and fined $100. He appealed and his bond was placed at $500. According to the evidence, what he was dispensing was at least as strong as wine.

Miss Louise Jones entertained the Farce Club yesterday afternoon. Miss Margaret Taylor won the prixe for making the highest score. Tea and sandwiches were served after the game. Those playing were Misses Virginia Sellers, Catherine Staples, Mary Allen, Margaret Taylor, Amy Sellers, Kate Elliott, Gladys Reid, Charlotte Smith and Louise Jones.

Mrs. G.N. Hutton was hostess yesterday afternoon to the Limited Auction Club. Two tables were arranged for cards. Mrs. Walker Lyerly was the lucky winner of the high score prize and Mrs. E.L. Shuford won the consolation. Ice cream and cake were served after the game. Those playing were Mesdames W.A. Hall, Walker Lyerly, George Yoder, Long (no first name given) of Newton, J.H.P. Cilley J.L. Riddle, E.L. Shuford and Horace C. Lutz.

The O.O. Club was delightfully entertained last evening my Miss Elizabeth McComb. Four tables were arranged for progressive rook. Special Guests of the club were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Henkel, Mr. and Mrs. W.E. McRorie, Misses Janie Lyerly and Mary Knox Henderson, and Messrs Cedric Dellinger and Tom Pruitt. A delicious ice course was served. Miss Margaret McComb will have the next meeting.

All but one of the 14 members of the Hickory Music Club were present at the last meeting of the season, held at Mrs. George Bailey’s last evening. Visitors were Mrs. Bailey and Miss Jennie Bailey of New York, Mrs. George Yoder and Mrs. E.B. Menzies. Those taking part in the program were Mrs. E.L. Shuford, Miss Margaret McComb, Mrs. George Hutton, Mrs. Karl B. Patterson, Mrs. J.H. Hatcher, Miss Lillie Bell Hallman, Mrs. Geo. Hall and Mrs. E.A. Smith. The following officers were elected: Mrs. J.H. Hatcher, president; Mrs. G.N. Hutton, vice president; Miss Essie Seagle, secretary.

Engagement Announced

The reception at the home of Miss Estelle Wolfe last evening was a most enjoyable occasion for the Methodist Philatheas and their friends. The house was beautifully decorated with a great profusion of dogwood blossoms and wild honeysuckle. The guests were received by the hostess and directed to the punch bowl, where Miss Kathryn Peterson presided. Each person was asked to register wishes for the brides in six little booklets, which were presented as souvenirs to the guests of honor: Mesdames Henry C. Cline, Ivy Starnes earle Townsend, Guy Robinson, Misses Ola Griffin and Lina Johnston. A lively contest was then held. In the different rooms were posted 24 pictures advertising articles needed by brides with which to begin housekeeping. The answers were varied and amusing. At the conclusion, each honoree was presented with an attractive Philathea Cook Book, with best wishes from the class. Piano selections by Misses Marjorie Whitener, Clara Bowles and Mabel Monce were thoroughly enjoyed.

Delicious cream and cake was served and at this point came the surprise of the evening. Between fancy cakes tied with white ribbon was a tiny blue card on which was written “K.M.P. and J.F.C., June fifth,” thus announcing the engagement of Miss Katheryn Peterson to Mr. Frank Carriker.

The bride-to-be is well known in the city. She held a responsible positon with the Hutton and Boiurbonnais Co. for some time and, because of her vivacity and pleasing disposition, has many friends here and elsewhere. For the past four months she has held the office of business manager for the Methodist Senior Philathea class, which under her direction has accomplished splendid results. Mr. Carriker’s gain will mean a distinct loss to this class. She has the best wishes of a host of friends.

Mr. Carriker of Knoxville, Tenn., is a young man of splendid ability and was employed by the Hickory Daily Record as a printer for about several months. He made friends during his stay here who will be glad to know of the happiness in store for him.

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