
Saturday, April 29, 2017

Summer Vacation Began End of April in 1917

“Highland School Ends Fine Year,” From the Hickory Daily Record, April 27, 1917. The length of the school year in North Carolina depended on the amount of money the local district want to spend, or had to spend. There were no state regulations on the number of days.

The entertainment given by the Highland graded school on Thursday night was most enjoyable and reflected great credit upon Professor Carter and his assistants. There were songs, drills and recitals, and each gave evidence of the most careful training.

The final closing exercises were held Friday morning and consisted in an address by Dr. Murphy and exercises by the children. Rev. W.R. Bradshaw, being present, was called upon and made some very appropriate remarks. The recantation by little Miss Bowman was especially fine and well rendered. The son by the boys, “Your Country Needs You,” was well rendered and very patriotic and appropriate at this time.

The Record is told that this was Highland’s best school. Mr. J.W. Mouser, a veteran in the school work, is now an active member of the school board and was present at all the exercises to lend his aid and moral support. Highland is proud of their school.

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