
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Stokes County Farmers Consider Co-op Marketing Plan, Take Advantage of Dry Weather, 1922

From the Danbury Reporter, May 31, 1922

Condition of Stokes Crops…Tobacco Planting Now Well in Hand…Most of the Fertilizer In the Ground…Wheat Crop Good…Only 90 Days ‘Till Primings

Farmers have taken advantage of the last few days in which no rain has fallen to do a vast deal of work. Most of the fertilizer is now drilled, and the next shower will be the occasion of practically finishing up the setting of the plants. Plants are plentiful on every plantation, and this means that the average farmer will continue to plant as long as his land holds out, if seasons are favorable. A good many farmers are already done planting.

The wheat crop is generally good in the county. Harvest will be here in a few days now—possibly two weeks. The farmers will have ample time to handle the grain crop, as they are well up with work on tobacco and corn fields.

There is much interest expressed with regard to co-operative marketing, a new drive being on in the county this week by the organizers. District Organizer Swain has been speaking at a number of points this week. Many persons are wondering just how the association means to market the crops which it now controls—whether in case the offers it received from the big buyers should not be satisfactory, that it will attempt to build storage plants and hold, or whether it will only sell the big buyers by sample, the crops to be delivered from the barns to the drying plants, etc. It is only some 90 days until the warehouses will open, and independent primings will begin to move. No doubt this will be the most momentous year in the history of the tobacco business, and the whole country, which is interested in the great money crop of this section, will watch developments with much interest.

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