
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Veterans and Youth Swelling Voter Rolls in Dare County, 1948

The Coastland Times, Manteo, N.C., published Friday, May 7, 1948

Expect 500 Voters to Register in Dare County…Unusual Interest Being Shown in Politics This Year as Young People Register

Old timers in politics predict that upwards of 500 new voters will go on the books this month, with only two more Saturdays in which to register. At Manteo there were 33 registrations, and at Kitty Hawk, 22, with corresponding increases in other precincts.

There are only this Saturday, the 8th, and next Saturday, the 15th, left in which to register in order to vote in the primary of June 29th.

Reports indicate there will be a large number of voters in just about all of the 15 precincts of the county.

One noticeable sign of the election this year is the great interest of veterans and other young voters who are showing activity in public affairs, and who feel they should have their say in the selection of the people who will run their government. People generally feel that veterans and young people should have a voice in these matters, for they are the ones who have had to bear the burdens that matter, the ones who have brought upon the nation and the world.

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