
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Jack Morgan Says He Will Exchange Dress for Soldier's Uniform, 1917

“Will Take Off the Dress,” from the Statesville Landmark, as reprinted in the Monroe Journal, Sept. 25, 1917

Jack Morgan, hailing from Goose Creek Township, Union County, was in Monroe Friday for examination by the local exemption board, says a Monroe dispatch to the daily papers. The remarkable thing about Jack and the reason for this story was that he was in town for the same purpose that hundreds of other young men have gone to town these past few months, was that Jack wears a dress—has always worn one. Here’s the story:

“Morgan wears a real dress. He is about 25 years old and never donned a pair of pants but once in his life time. That was when he was a small child, and it is said that the ridicule of his companions so affected him that he took them off immediately, never to don them again. All his life has been spent around Rocky River. When friends come in sight, it is said, he will tuck up his skirts and fly for the sheltering river banks.

“The man is not insane. He recently bought an automobile. During the years that have rolled by he has accumulated a good deal of property, but he still clings to the garb of a woman. Morgan is unmarried, and if he is found physically fit he will in all probability be taken by the local exemption board for the county’s third quota.”

And then he’ll have to take off that dress.

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