
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Social News from Pink Hill, Bear Marsh, Cole's Chapel, 1937

“Pink Hill News” from The Duplin Times, Sept. 9, 1937
J.A. Worley and children spent the past weekend at Manteo.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Heath of Kinston RFD were guests of Mrs. E.K. Davis Sunday afternoon.
J.F. May has returned from a business trip to Philadelphia, Pa.
Dr. R.A. Edwards, Ike Stroud, Willie Howard and Willard Smith were at Swansboro fishing Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Smith and children were recent visitors at Morehead.
Floyd Heath attended the opening game of the Coast Plain League’s Championship baseball finals at Snow Hill Saturday.
Mrs. Herbert Jones of Pink Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hardy of Moss Hill attended the homecoming day at Mills Home at Thomasville Sunday.
Miss Connor Jones expects to leave for Washington, D.C., in a few days to resume her work as a teacher in the city schools. Misses Louise and Grace Jones are leaving September 11 for Louisburg where they will enter Louisburg College.
Reet Jones, Roland Smith, Rudolph Davis and Melvin Jones were at Swansboro Sunday.
The baseball game between a Wilmington team and the Pink Hill All-Stars on the local diamond Sunday afternoon was won by Pink Hill, 7 to 8.
A.J. Potter, former Davidson College football star, will assist E.M. Waller with the freshman team at State College this fall, so says the Raleigh News and Observer. Potter is a former Pink Hill boy and a son of the late Durham Potter, who was killed by an army deserter several years ago.
Mrs. T.A. Turner, Mrs. Annie Jones and Miss Grace Jones were overnight visitors at Charlottesville, Va., recently. They were accompanied home by T.J. Turner, who attended summer school at the University of Virginia.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wiliams of Live Oak, Fla., have been visiting relatives here and at Roxboro.
Mrs. Roy Rouse of Moss Hill spent Saturday with Mrs. Lela Pollock here.
Miss Doris Smith when to Stanhope near Rocky Mount Friday to resume her work as a teacher of the fourth grade in the school there.
Bear Marsh
The revival meeting opened at Bear Marsh Church on Monday, September 6, and will last a week or 10 days. The pastor, Rev. W.R. Stephens is assisted by Rev. J.M. Duncan from Murfreesboro. All come and hear the powerful messages being brought.
The boys and girls’ Sunday School class at Bear Marsh gave a weiner roast at Maxwell’s Mill last Thursday afternoon in honor of Boyd Walker, one of the members of the boy’s class, who is leaving the 14th of this month for Campbell College.
Miss Wilma Dixon of Greenville spent part of last week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Dixon.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul King of near Rone’s Chapel, visited with Miss Annie Swinson awhile Sunday afternoon.
Mr.and Mrs. Lawton Hargroves and daughter, Louberta, visited in the home of J.A. Swinson of near Calypso Sunday.
Miss Nita Jean Brock of Mt. Olive spent part of last week in the home of her uncle, D.J. Brock.
Cole’s Chapel
Miss Lillie Brown spent Saturday in Wallace.
Lean James and Miss Lillie Brown motored to Richlands Tuesday night.
Lean James and J.B. Quinn were the guests of Misses Lillie and Alice Brown Sunday.
Miss Lennie Hatcher motored to Mill Swamp Sunday
Bill Quinn was the guest of Misses Alice and Adell Nethercutt Sunday. Lean James was the guest of Miss Lillie Brown Saturday night.
Miss Daisy Brown spent Sunday with her mother.
John Maready was the guest of Miss Lillie Brown Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Raynor spent Sunday with Mr.and Mrs. Hampton Dail.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Maready spent Saturday night with her mother. Miss Mary Ellen Likens and Robert Wood enjoyed a Sunday morning.
Miss Jennie Likins and Mike Burton were out riding Sunday evening.
Charlie Lanier was the guest of Miss Alice Brown Saturday night.

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