
Saturday, September 30, 2017

Many DWI and Illegal Whiskey Cases Tried in Duplin County Court, 1937

The Duplin Times, Thursday, Sept. 9, 1937

Recorder Tries Unusual Number of Whiskey Cases
Recorder’s Court got well ahead with two days’ docket last week, trying an unusual number of cases for driving while intoxicated and transportation of illegal whiskey.
Cases tried were:
--Charlie Simmons, negro, operating an auto while intoxicated and doing injury to personal property. Plead guilty. Sentenced to eight months in jail and ordered to work in the County Home so long as his work proved satisfactory and was of good behavior, to be sent to jail for remainder of sentence on violation of terms.
--Stacy Herring, operating an auto while intoxicated and transportation of non-tax-paid whiskey. Plead guilty. Fifty dollar fine and costs, and not to operate an auto in the state for 12 months. Driver’s license revoked.
--George Dobson, negro, public drunkenness and public nuisance. Plead guilty to charges and to disorderly conduct; 12 months on the roads for public nuisance and 12 months suspended sentence for disorderly conduct.
--John Sellars, negro, public drunkenness and public nuisance. Plead guilty to charges and to disorderly conduct; 12 months on the road for public nuisance and suspended sentence of 12 months for disorderly conduct.
--Emmett Ezzelle, public drunkenness, public nuisance, and resisting an officer. Plead guilty; prayer for judgment continued for two years on condition of payment of $25 fine and costs and good behavior for two year period.
--Ernest West, operating an auto while intoxicated. Plead guilty to reckless driving. Prayer for judgment continued for two years on condition of payment of $25 fine and costs and good behavior for two year period.
--Joe E. King, operating an auto while intoxicated, possession of non-tax-paid whiskey, and kidnapping. Plead guilty to possession and transportation. Prayer for judgment continued to October term on condition of good behavior. Kidnapping and operating auto while intoxicated charges nol pro(can’t read rest of word) with leave.

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