
Saturday, September 30, 2017

Society News from the Hickory Daily Record, 1916

“Society,” from the Hickory Daily Record, Sept. 25, 1916
Mr. and Mrs. E.V. Morton and family left today for Ardmore, Okla., where they will reside in the future. Hickory is loath to part with this splendid family and everybody here will wish them success. For a number of years Mr. Morton was publisher of the Hickory Democrat, selling out several months ago to the Daily Record. Mrs. Morton, who has a decided literary turn, was of great assistance to her husband in the business and all members of the family were popular in the city. Mrs. Morton has relatives in Ardmore and her husband will engage in business there.
Miss Florence Sharpe, who has been spending a few days with relatives in Rockingham, has returned home.
The first meeting of the Round Dozen Book club will be held Wednesday with Mrs. C.C. Bost.
Mrs. Robert Whitener returned today from Cherryville, where she visited her daughter, Mrs. Walter Brittain.
Mrs. Ottis Hull of Winston-Salem, who has been the guest of Mrs. J. Worth Elliott, returned to her home Saturday. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Worth Elliott, Mrs. W.E. McRorie and Miss Lily Jones, who remained over the week-end.
Misses Madge and Helen Wilkinson and Mary Brumley and Messrs. Vernon Brumley Jr., George Ridenhour and Jim Yates of Concord were guests Sunday of Miss Kitty Flowers, who motored with them to Bakers Mountain and spent the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Henderson and little daughter, Mary Elliott, and Mr. A.C. Henderson returned last evening from Burlington, where they visited relatives. They were accompanied home by Miss Mary Knox Henderson. The party motored through the country.
Mrs. Anderson A. Boliek of Alexander County, one of the best women in that whole section, died Sunday morning at the age of 85 years. The funeral was held Monday afternoon from Shiloh Lutheran Church, interment following in the church burying ground. Mrs. Boleik is survived by her husband and six children—three sons and three daughters—who will bless her memory as long as they live. She lived right and died in the faith. Her sons are Mr. W.M. Boliek of Hickory, Rev. A.L. Boliek, and Mr. R.A. Boliek of Alexander County, and Mesdames Benfield, Laxton and Simms of Alexander County.

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