
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

North Carolina Restaurants Observing Meatless, Wheatless Days, 1917

“Restaurants Observe Meatless, Wheatless Days,” from the Nov. 1, 1917 issue of The French Broad Hustler.

Raleigh, N.C., Oct. 29—Meatless Day and Wheatless Day will be inaugurated by hotels and restaurants of North Carolina October 30th and 31st, Tuesday being observed as Meatless Day and Wednesday as Wheatless Day.

Messers. D.H. Griffin of Raleigh and A.H. Galloway of Winton-Salem, the committee of hotel men co-operating with the Food Administration in this matter, are requesting every hotel and café in the State to align itself with the Food Administration and observe the days mentioned. “Meatless” refers to beef and pork and their products. In lieu of these products the hotels and cafes are urged to use fish, poultry, game and vegetables. In lieu of white wheat flour they are urged to use bread, hot cakes, waffles, muffins and other forms of bread made from corn, rye, graham and other cereal products.

Messrs. Griffin and Galloway, who have intimate knowledge of the hotel situation in North Carolina, express confidence that Meatless and Wheatless days in North Carolina will be altogether successful. They say the hotel and restaurant men in the State appreciate the vital importance of the service they can render and will co-operate gladly.

State Food Administrator Henry A. Page recently addressed an appeal to every local council of the T.P.A. and U.C.T. in North Carolina, asking them to support the hotels in this departure and to use their influence in driving into line any hotels and cafes which do not fall in with the Food Administration’s program. The response to Mr. Page’s appeal have been such as to indicate that the eating houses will receive whole-hearted support from the representative traveling man of North Carolina and that those hotels and restaurants who do not “come across” will feel the weight of an adverse public sentiment.

Not only are the hotels being urged to conserve meat and wheat but they are being urgently requested to cut down the amount of fats and sugar they use, curtailing the quantity of pies, cakes, candies, etc., served. The hotels, on a larger scale, are being urged to do just what every family in the country is expected to do—help win the war with food.

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