
Monday, November 13, 2017

Quick Thinking by G.C. Weeks Saves Hupmobile, 1916

“Auto Fire Saturday,” from The Commonwealth, Scotland Neck, N.C., Tuesday, Nov. 28, 1916. I didn't have any idea what a 1916 Hupmobile looked like, so I Googled it. This image is from

Outside the Josey Hardware Company Saturday night, after having the tank of a Hupmobile Roadster filled with gasoline, the owner struck a match to light up, preparatory to taking the road again, when the overflow of gasoline on the car caught, and the total loss of the car seemed imminent.

Mr. G.C. Weeks dashed into the store and got a Pyrene extinguisher and with two squirts the blaze, which had lighted up Main street, was put out. But for the presence of mind of Mr. Weeks the car would have been a ruin, and the owner who was a stranger to this section, and his companion would have had to be content with railroad travel.

In a most cavalier manner the owner stood by while others worked on his car, but when the flame was quenched, he found that by the squirting of a few drops of Pyrene had saved his property he exclaimed, “Ah, that stuff is worth a thousand dollars a load.”

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