
Friday, December 29, 2017

Charlie Gattis, a Model Railroad Man, Went to Work as a Small Boy, 1909

“A Model Railroad Man,” from The Farmer and Mechanic newspaper, published in Raleigh, N.C., Dec. 28, 1909

Nineteen years ago Charlie Gattis, as everybody in Raleigh called him, went into the Seaboard office as a small boy. He was so clever, so capable, so obliging and so resourceful that he was promoted to the best position the Seaboard could give him in this territory. He made business for the road; he smoothed away hard places; he was zealous to please patrons; and popularized the road with all who had business dealings with it. More than that, he has been a leader in whatever would advance Raleigh’s interests and by his faith in the town, his optimism, and knowing how to bring things to pass Mr. Gattis has been a citizen to whom Raleigh is greatly indebted. Raleigh felt that he was a fixture and a permanence, and the whole town alternated between rejoicing at his good fortune and regret at losing him when he was tendered the position of General Passenger Agent of the Georgia and Florida Railroad with headquarters at Augusta. This is a promotion in salary and in position, and when Mr. Gattis goes next week to enter upon his duties he will carry with him the best wishes of the whole city. And his wife, who in ways of charity and public good cause, has been most useful, will be likewise remembered. Their going is a big loss to Raleigh.

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