
Thursday, December 28, 2017

Christmas Week Doings From Hendersonville, N.C., 1917

“People and Events,” from the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, N.C., Dec. 27, 1917

George Massey of Horse Shoe is spending the holidays in Chicago.

J.D. Carpenter is visiting at Hendersonville.

J.E. Shipman was in Polk county last week on professional business.

C.N. Wrenshall is acting as clerk to the local exemption board.

George B. Cobb of Tryon visited his son, Charles, for the week-end.

Harry Waldrop of Camp Sevier, Greenville, is home for the holidays.

Miss Belle T. Dick left this week on a visit to relatives in Louisville, Ky.

Reginald Morris of Asheville was a visitor in this city this week.

Mr. Stelling of Augusta visited on Mills River this week.

Boyce Clement of Mills River spent Christmas in Asheville.

Harold M Smith of Cochran, Ga., was here last week to attend the funeral of his father, T.M. Smith.

Harry Hunter is home from Chapel Hill for the holidays. Mr. Hunter is taking a medical course.

Miss Gladys Hodges is home for the holidays from Stantonsburg, N.C., where she has been teaching.

Miss Sue Brittain, who has been teaching at Barnardsville, is at her home on Mills River for the holidays.

Miss Kate Shipman is home from Meredith college at Raleigh for the holidays.

Horace Bowen and George Shepherd of Alco, Tenn., are home for the holidays.

Miss Louise Hodges is home for the holidays from Brenau college at Gainesville, Ga.,

Early Hallman, an employee of the Commercial National bank of Charlotte, is home for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Curtis and Miss Mary Burckmyer left last week for New Smyrna, Fla., to spend the winter.

Miss Jessine Brooks is home from State Normal college at Greensboro for the holidays.

Miss Carrie Drake of Charlotte visited her parents on Mills River during the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. Hall Corpening of Asheville are visiting relatives on Mills River.

W.B. Lamb, a Henderson county boy, has moved from Nampa, R. 4, to Bowmont, Idaho.

Miss Lola B. Shipman, who has been teaching at Jonesville, S.C., is home for the holidays.

Miss Isabel Kethley of the Fruitland faculty, was the guest of Mrs. Cecil Rhodes Sunday.

Miss Martha Sullinger of Fruitland Institute was the guest of Mrs. J.L. Egerton Sunday.

John Begg of Sparanburg is visiting his mother, Mrs. Begg, and his sister, Mrs. J.F. Brooks.

Mr. and Mrs. O.E. Bass of Chester, S.C., is visiting the former’s parents, Judge and Mrs. C.M. Pace.

Walter Allen, who has been in college at the University, was in the city this week visiting relatives.

Quay Dotson, who has been attending the Georgia Tech., at Atlanta, is visiting his parents for the holidays.

Mrs. Hannah Enloe of Inman, S.C., was the guest of her sister, Mrs. N.E. Hesterly, during the holidays.

Lieut. Thomas Hyder was home on visit from the camp at Columbia during the holidays.

Joe Freeman is home for the holidays from New Bern, where he is linotypist on the New Bernian.

Miss Elsie Ficker is home for the holidays from Brenau college, Gainesville, Ga.

Miss Ruby Johnson of Columbia, S.C., visited her parents in the Mills River section during the holidays.

Walter Orr, who was on the Battleship Rhode Island, has been transferred to Philadelphia.

Miss Bessie Steedman and niece, Miss Sarah Steedman, left Saturday to spend Christmas at Camden, S.C., with relatives.

Miss Lucile Youmans is home for the holidays from Fairfax, S.C., where she taught mathematics in the high school.

Miss Bessie Aiken is home for the holidays from Washington, D.C., where she is private secretary to the adjutant general of the army.

Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Maddrey returned to Winston-Salem on Friday after attending the funeral of her father, T.M. Smith.

Mrs. Richard Earl Walker is in the city from Petersburg, Va., having been called here on account of the death of her father, T.M. Smith.

Col. and Mrs. S.V. Pickens have gone to Apopka, Fla., for the winter.

Mrs. M.C. Toms and Mrs. Sallie Hart have gone to Florida for the winter.

Miss Jennie Bowen of Asheville visited friends in Hendersonville Tuesday and Wednesday.

Miss Willie Carmichael of Davidson River has been visiting Mrs. E.H. Davis.

Miss Lena Latham is home from St. Mary’s college, Raleigh, for the holidays.

Mrs. C.N. Allison entertained with a Christmas party at her home on Fifth avenue Wednesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Shipman entertained Wednesday night with a rook party.

Norman Miller and mother recently visited the latter’s son in Little Rock, Ark. Norman Miller returned Monday. Mrs. Miller is visiting in Pennsylvania.

L.A. Grant is home from Detroit, Mich., on a visit to his wife and children and also his parents. His father, Hon. John G. Grant, has been quite ill for several days.

Hugh Waldrop, Frank Bland, Jean Williams, Bill Hodges and Winbourne Beason arrived last week from Rutherford College for the holiday vacation.

Miss Isabel Freeman, who is connected with the Board of Trade work of Asheville, visited her aunt, Mrs. N.E. Hesterly, for Christmas.

Clyde McKinney is at home on Mills River for the holidays from Trinity college, where he is preparing for the ministry.

Charlie Norwood came in this week from Springfield, Mass., where he is linotypist on the Springfield Union. He is visiting his father, Vance Norwood.

Mrs. J. Boling has been attending the International Bible Students association in convention at Birmingham, Ala., where she is also visiting relatives.

A.P. Bell, who is teaching at Selica, having formerly taught in Henderson county, assisted Postal Clerk M.W. Galloway on the Transylvania division during the holidays.

Miss Minnie and Ray Aldridge of Columbus and Walker Aldrich of Landrum are visiting their sister, Mrs. J.E. Shipman, for the holidays. They were accompanied by Miss Bertha Kely, music teacher of Columbus.

Miss Nora and Margaret Wilkins returned last week from the Normal & Collegiate Institute at Asheville to spend the holidays with their people. They were accompanied by Miss Ola Rhea of Kentucky.

Miss Evah Blythe, who has been studying at the New England Conservatory of Music at Boston, is visiting her parents, Judge and Mrs. O.V.F. Blythe, for the holidays.

Misses Ruth Corpening, Margaret and Elizabeth Kimzey, Mae, Irene, Lydia and Susan Osborne are at their homes on Mills River from the Normal & Collegiate Institute at Asheville for the holidays.

George Gallamore, Bryan Ledbetter, Wilson Ward and Lance M. Read are home from the holidays from Christ school, which has closed until early summer owing to the fuel situation.

Miss Edmunds, formerly with the Pine Grove Lodge school but for the past year with Christ school, has gone to Hickory for the holidays. From there she will go to New York.

Lee Osborne, who for a long while has been bookkeeper for the Southern School Oil Co., at Augusta, Ga., has come to his home on Mills River, where he will remain on the farm in anticipation of being drafted at an early date.

William Shipman, who has been attending Mars Hill college, was in Hendersonville last week en route to his home in Raleigh for the holidays. He expects to attend the A. & E. college at West Raleigh [that’s N.C. State University now] after Christmas.

The Misses Stella and Della Brittain of Mills River gave a Christmas dinner to their friends on Tuesday, the guests being Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Corpening and children, Frank Gilreath and Miss Carrie Drake, William Holden and Miss Estella Jarvis.

Marion Trice is home from the State A. & E. college at West Raleigh, where he is taking a course in chemical engineering. Marion is in uniform since the students are members of the reserved officers training corps, which places him in line for work for the government upon his completion of the course.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Osborne were the guests of his sister, Mrs. J.P. Embler during the week. Mr. Osborne, a Transylvania boy, who last summer married Miss Bishop, also of Transylvania, is engaged in evangelical work, and he and Rev. J.C. Owen recently closed a good meeting at Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Osborne both have sweet voices and they delighted the congregation at the union service at the Baptist church Sunday night with a duet. They are making their home in Greenville.

Miss Gladys Glenn entertained about twenty young people at her home Christmas night. The guests were entertained with games, contests, music and social intercourse, the evening closing with the serving of refreshments.

The Young Men’s Fellowship class of the Methodist Sunday school recently elected officers as follows: president, E.D. Hyrne; secretary, J. Allen Rhodes; teacher, C.F. Bland.

J.T. Beason was the victim of a painful accident last week when his car collided with another near the depot. It was feared at first that his injuries were serious, but his rapid improvement does not indicate such.

Henderson county friends of M.S. Farmer and family, who a few years ago moved from Flat Rock to Washington, D.C., will be interested in the announcement of the marriage of his son, Dr. William Cuthbert Farmer, to Miss Florence Lydia Caddick of Washington on Nov. 28. They are making their home at 651 Lexington Place, N.E., Washington, D.C.

Miss Effie Davis and Ed Brown were married at the home of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Davis, in Columbia park, on Dec. 19 by Rev. W.A. Morris. The bride and groom left on a honeymoon for northern cities. They will make their home in Hendersonville after Jan. 1. The bride and groom were attended by Miss Mae Davis, a sister of the bride, with Glover Jones, and Miss Susie Sharp with Lee Allen.

Mrs. F.E. Durfee entertained with a linen shower in honor of Miss Bessie Hodges on Dec. 22, who was married on Dec. 26 to c. Few Jr. Sixteen invited guests were present, busy with needle and thread hemming dish towels and dust cloths for the bride. After a busy hour of sewing, a delightful salad course was served and the doors of the den were then thrown open displaying a most attractive tree laden with beautiful hand-embroidered lines of every description for the bride.

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